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A more realistic prison system


Well-known member
I have some opinions on why I think our prison system sucks. I also have some pre-rebuttals to some concerns around my idea people may have.

1. I think it's crazy you can sleep off a prison sentence, this destroys any chance of prison RP. Going to prison has become more of a photo opportunity for tweedle than an actual punishment. As a solicitor, I would get countless requests to negotiate more prison time over fines, this doesn't make sense.

Possible concerns

People will just not play once they go to prison -
sweet, don't want the prison rp? Don't break the law or get caught. The server has turned into a roadman simulator at best, why not combat this the way things are combatted in the real world?

2. At the moment, when people go to prison for a decent amount of time, they just play another character to sleep it off. If they want to get out of prison, and back to supporting their gangs, they need to RP prison life. This would promote activity with prison gangs, and give G6 a much bigger purpose. This would also make going to prison much scarier for solo criminals, not knowing what danger they may find themselves in behind bars.

Could I see @KiloC Kash and the Cutlass lads running the prisons over a longer period of time, absolutely.

Possible concerns

Gangs could die out -
would that be so bad? The smart ones wont, and what's to say the gangs cant/wont operate well from prison like they do in real life?

3. This would/could bring back more respect to the police, right now. No-one gives a fuck about taunting or disrespecting police, if police rock up on gang turf, they instantly beef with them, as they know if push comes to shove, they'll sleep off any prison sentences.

This would give police too much power - like they do in the real world? Worried about police abusing the rules? We have this forum for that very reason.

4. This would give the CPS (crown prosecution service) a bigger purpose, as they would ACTUALLY punishes criminals, more would be on for the criminals for these longer cases, rather than just, you know. Clean some tables and sleep off the rest.

5. I've heard of police sending the same person to prison multiple times in one day, need I say any more?
+1 GREAT IDEA more pison RP would be good, visitation, smuggling all that stuff plus massive prison breaks and giving G6 something else to do
I definitely agree that there should be harsher punishments and an interactive prison experience implemented. Guns rule the server and are so openly carried and used with no consequence that it takes away from the enjoyment of the roleplay and ends up halting a lot of scenarios from progressing further by turning them into gunfights with the only intent being taking items from the other party.

Court cases, extended sentences with gang rivalry in prison, smuggling items in and out of prison, being able to run a gang from within the secure walls, g6 interactions and prison breakouts that are co-ordinated from both inside and outside of the prison. G6 corruption formed from high-quality roleplay interactions that can change the course of your sentence, and those that you oppose. In my opinion, these would help take away from the 25v25 army-like battlefield simulator experience and offer more realistic, fun and enjoyable narratives that can be explored with a lot more directions to take the storylines and offer a power struggle between the gangs that must be maintained inside and outside of the prison, where with the harsher punishments, and people being locked away for longer, it would encourage people to roleplay situations differently and the consequences of your relations or lack thereof would help be determined by your surroundings and the people you've interacted with.
I agree prison should be more punishing however saying i would like to give x gang this in the suggestion is one way for it to get down vote bombed.
I agree prison should be more punishing however saying i would like to give x gang this in the suggestion is one way for it to get down vote bombed.

huh? I didnt suggest to give it to a gang at all. I meant it in the way that it could happen naturally.

"Could I see @KiloC Kash and the Cutlass lads running the prisons over a longer period of time, absolutely."

This doesnt say what you mentioned whatsoever does it?
Id love to see a more realistic prison system - Iv often enjoyed my time in there as a crim to the point I often stay longer than I need to if there is some decent RP going on.
+ 1 I agree
It would be great if there was a sense of ‘punishment’ to the crimes people commit as lately we get a daily of people being murdered/kidnapped/taken hostage etc then they get arrested, prison, sleep and just do something else, this makes RP less fun for G6 in prison and is just unrealistic, so I think this is a great idea and there should definitely be changes to the current system to allow for more expansive RP and for actual punishment other than just ‘sleep it off’

as a G6 officer It would be great to spend more time at the prison engaging with prisoners trying to escape and not just cleaning tables! would be cool to see something change with the prison sentences and maybe have it so when you're not in city the time still goes down but it takes a lot longer ?
+1 As someone who's been put in prison a few times for weeks on end...it gets lonely XD
This thread got several down votes early, no doubt from people spoilt by the current prison system. Good to see some people agree, however considering the above thread, looks like nothing has changed for 2 years.

I assume the concern of "people afk'ing" their sentence was already fixed by the new AFK kick system since then.

The fact this has been talked about so long ago isn't encouraging, and if things only get passed if a vast majority vote for something, then there's no hope of a better, more realistic prison system.
This thread got several down votes early
I think it was probably a group of people who probably didn't like that you used Cutlass as an example in your initial post, I think they read that and then stopped reading missing the point of the message lol, But don't worry most people would like this suggestion, I mean who wouldn't support this tbh, Prison sucks, G6 Don't even really like hanging out there unless there's a bunch of people but that's hardly ever cause people just server their sentence offline.
I think it was probably a group of people who probably didn't like that you used Cutlass as an example in your initial post, I think they read that and then stopped reading missing the point of the message lol, But don't worry most people would like this suggestion, I mean who wouldn't support this tbh, Prison sucks, G6 Don't even really like hanging out there unless there's a bunch of people but that's hardly ever cause people just server their sentence offline.

Yeah nevermind, never once said gangs should be given official control lol

I would imagine it's relatively light on dev work to actually make people serve their time.

The judiciary is a seriously amazing and well ran addition, prison done right would be the icing on the cake giving us the justice system we deserve!
Yeah nevermind, never once said gangs should be given official control lol
Yeah I know haha, I think others maybe just misunderstood what you was saying.

The judiciary is a seriously amazing and well ran addition, prison done right would be the icing on the cake giving us the justice system we deserve!
+1 For ! JUSTICE !
Not got a crim character so this comes with some ignorance but I like the idea of needing to be on the server to server your sentence, it makes sense to me rather than getting on the next day free of consequence.
Sentences could be adjusted down to compensate for this.

There's some really positive things that could come of this, a few being;
> It would bring huge amounts more RP To G6 and those in jail
> It would make custordy RP much more interesting and boost the need for solicitors whilst also forcing police do their job better and meet the burden of proof on all charges as appeals / wrongful arrest claims would be more frequent too
> It would make some of the wannabe roadmen think twice before doing dumb shit and actually require some thought behind some of the crimes they do in advance, potentially leading to more interesting crim RP rather than the current shitshow displayed by a large proportion of the city.
> I'd love to see the RP that could be generated by this, prison gangs becoming a thing and a whole blackmarket inside the prison itsself.

However on the flip;
> You're inadvertenatly giving the police more power, however if the Judiciary were to review current sentencing guidelines and adjust them so that they are lower and proportionate, even if you get some robo-cop who does max everytime then you're not punishing people unfairly.
I agree you should be online to serve your sentence however in terms of balance, sentence length for each crime would be reworked. A 720 could easily become a 180 but you have to be online serving it.
+1, gives more good rp in prison
We would get the sentences changed in to reflect the person actually serving the time or review every prison punishment length. It would be silly to have the current punishments if you are serving the sentence while online.