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Ability to disable Server Announcements


Staff Team
Staff Team
Fudge Lane
From having played for years, I and a lot of others have seen these blue messages in a constant rotation in OOC chat. 

Nothing much to say in this suggestion, but would be nice to have a option in F1 menu to disable just the "Blue" Announcements, but still keep
Staff & Dev announcements.

Pros: Making OOC chat less filled up on times with less server population

Cons: Newer players disabling the feature, being unaware of the most basic rules on the server (which they should know either way)


So just to make sure I understand you. We are only talking about the routine timed announcements which show restart times, server rules, forum/discord links etc.

As sunch removing the mundane messages you see everyday but keeping the emergency messages, or live announcements of important information etc..

Seems like a good idea to me

So just to make sure I understand you. We are only talking about the routine timed announcements which show restart times, server rules, forum/discord links etc.

As sunch removing the mundane messages you see everyday but keeping the emergency messages, or live announcements of important information etc..

Seems like a good idea to me
Yes exactly that! Not a major thing, but a QoL setting that cleans it up for us that have seen the messages thousands of times 🙂 

not sure if possible but as you said the con would be new players disabling and not seeing them, maybe have some kind of timer attached so the option or command only works after x amount of hours played ?

not sure if possible but as you said the con would be new players disabling and not seeing them, maybe have some kind of timer attached so the option or command only works after x amount of hours played ?
That would be smart to combat new players just disabling it

not sure if possible but as you said the con would be new players disabling and not seeing them, maybe have some kind of timer attached so the option or command only works after x amount of hours played ?
would it work tho. as turning occ chat off completely hides them anyway. So newbies can already hide them just its all of it
