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Admin Ban

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Hello, I would like to become unbanned. I am not sure why I got banned, but I was new in the server and now I have read all the rules and know what to do. Ingame name is Santeri

(ADMIN BAN   RDM - Sandman (TBJ1805)


I would surmise you went around randomly killing people with no roleplay.

Come back again later when you *have* become sure why you got banned...

{btw, your kick-message now reads (ADMIN BAN RDM - Santeri (TBJ1805)}

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Hello, again. I came back and now I know why I was banned, I was trying to kill a guy with some rifle and failed it, after that, he killed me. Then I went to back and bought ATV and was driving around, but then I got banned.

So reason was trying kill people.

Ban message is still: (ADMIN BAN (RDM - Sandman (TBJ1805)))


why were you trying to kill him exactly, if you had no reason i can clearly see the reason for the ban, also who was it you tried to kill?

Don't start new threads. You make more work for admins. Who are the people unbanning you. Which makes them less likely to waste their time on you.

Secondly. When I said "come back when you know why you had been banned", I didn't quite mean you to be so literal, and yet still unfaltering unrepentative. I kinda expected to you explain that you knew what you did was WRONG, and WHY.

Clearly, I'm dealing with a person of rare intellectual capacity.

Sit it out a while longer. See if you can figure out what you have to do next, by yourself.

Hint: Mclovin may be on to something.


Hello, it´s seems that im dealing people who have some piss on his head and very big altis cock. I thought this would be good server but clearly I was wrong, and I dont wanna waste time to write story for you. Don´t worry I wont bother your altis life anymore If everyone here is so fucking arrogant. Look at the mirror and think about it.


Seems my choice was quite correct, then, doesn't it? Your true unworthiness as a player on this server has been revealed. It just took the usual amount of moderate poking.

Enjoy the wasteland, pal. Your call. Goodnight.

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