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Banned for defending ourselves

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New member
I was going around with a few guys in a armoured car and I got tazed by the police but managed to get away because I was tazed in the car so we drove away. The police were the first to shot so we were untitled to open fire, we went up on the castle at kavala and killed a few more police, when we were caught one officer shot out friend and the rest of us were tazed, so as one of the officers were giving my fine I was banned for RDM.

I was going around with a few guys in a armoured car and I got tazed by the police but managed to get away because I was tazed in the car so we drove away. The police were the first to shot so we were untitled to open fire, we went up on the castle at kavala and killed a few more police, when we were caught one officer shot out friend and the rest of us were tazed, so as one of the officers were giving my fine I was banned for RDM.
It was myself who banned you after a number of reports that you were firing people from the castle, Before you was banned we shot the tyres of your iffrit and pulled you out of it to find no rebel licence.

I quote from the rules - http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/5-general-rules/

"a) Only players with a rebel license are considered rebels and are allowed to follow "rebel business" like attacking cops in towns, etc. Players without a rebel license using firearms are considered RDMers."

You were attacking cops in kavala and civs , You were banned for breaking the rules!

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