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Banned for lagging.

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New member
Wow I spawned in a quad with my friend then I drove forward and my vehicle wouldn't move, next thing my quad shot forward and I killed lewis and he says that I'm getting banned!

Now I've just been banned, this isn't fair at all. I was playing legitimate.

Please just unban me.

In-game name: SubJectioN

Dude you've just got to be patient, I wish I could help you but I am but a lowly advanced member.

I was the one you ran over 'due to lag' you killed me and then other person once i was dead, then to stop them selves being rdm'd someone else killed you, well that was what i was told. I did see a few kill messages popup from your name.

Basically i was stood next to my car in car shop, doin cop stuff. Then out of nowhere, as soon as the guy gets into his ATV he runs me over, i then ***in kill logs (chat) that subjection also killed another person, then he was killed by someone, when i returned the guy claimed he killed subjection as he was about to RDM him***

The part in *** is based off what i can remember, i do suffer from short term memory loss, so it may not be 100% accurate.

Basically i was stood next to my car in car shop, doin cop stuff. Then out of nowhere, as soon as the guy gets into his ATV he runs me over, i then ***in kill logs (chat) that subjection also killed another person, then he was killed by someone, when i returned the guy claimed he killed subjection as he was about to RDM him***

The part in *** is based off what i can remember, i do suffer from short term memory loss, so it may not be 100% accurate.

Not against you LewisUK... i want him to explain the statement you made against him lol

This may sound like a daft question, LewisUK, but hear me out... do you recall if you and the other bloke who was killed, were standing in a straight line in front of this Subjection guy's ATV? I'm just wondering if there is a chance it might be desync (rather than lag, but it's much the same thing really).

Do you know if you saw him *steer* for you, or were you just in front of him anyway?

No matter if you can't recall, Lewis... it's Subjection's recollection and explanation that is most wanted here, anyway, if he's going to defend himself!

SuB is a VDM because he was running over all people in game and that counted me twice, in the chat it spammed with "********** was killed by SuBJection", that doesn't looks like you "lagged" into us, you turned your car at me and crushed me and also did to everyone else.

OP must've died. Ban stands.

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