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Banned (RDM)

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New member
I was playing on your sever and I was restrained for nothing and told to leave because the sever was being overpopulated it was about 80 civs to 4 police I refused and then I got banned

Bobby, i logged on because i was in teamspeak and heard they needed back up because there where about 20 civs in town mass RDMing and just running around shouting abuse at police (just a heads up there was only 3 police online at the time and 2 of them where trainee cops).

I logged on and made my way near the checkpoint on arrival i saw about 10civs restrained and a constant wave of quadbikes crashing into houses and attempting to RDM cops, Me and the other police officers got things sort of in control fining people for obstructing police from their duties, whilst fining a player i got knocked down by a person with a rahim and he constantly kept knocking me down and then i was killed and things quickly escalated out of control again. i recorded all names that where passed to me by other police officers and myself of people that where shooting, crashing quads and picking up weapons firing at police. This is where your name poped up i saw you repeatedly killing players in the side chat.

Wilco, it is up to you to decide how this is dealt with i just got passed names that where RDMing and attacking police in kavala town.

No reply after a month - this one's for the killfile. Goodnight.

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