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Compensation Request - LyNxz - GTA RP

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New member

Character Name: Ben Warnock
Character ID: 447
Steam ID: 76561198355493349
Game: GTA RP
Date: Apr 1, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: I went to the casino and placed a 50000 bet on the blackjack table at the last second before betting closed. The bet was placed but as the dealer gave out the cards to the other players around me, i didn't receive any. Nor could i do anything except watch on. Once the game finished the dealer did the animation to gather the cards from me. I couldn't stand, hit or double down during the game. I pretty much bet 50k and couldn't play blackjack so therefore i lost it. Hopefully i can be compensated this back. Unfortunately i don't have any video evidence and i know this will seem like i am just trying to get 50k back because i lost it, i didn't. This was a genuine bug that caused me to lose it.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 50000 casino chips
: Yes


As per the Wiki guide, compensations do require evidence for us to process them. Since there is no evidence for this request, it will unfortunately be declined.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
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