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(G4.4) When you are revived/downed:


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
(G4.4) When you are revived/downed:

You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 10 minutes

this should be changed that you should not be able to re enter that original scenario is over completely rather than 10minutes, there has been many of scenarios during a war / fight with police that they will come back when the 10 minute timer is over and it just prolongs the gun fight / combat situation and makes it drag out forever.


- Scenarios end quicker rather than dragging out for hours

- Saves people complaining in OOC chat about G4.4 

- Makes more sense within RP to be downed from a gun /  gang fight to be back within 10minutes


- if it is only a couple of people & they all go down, how would they know its over etc

- staff monitoring potentially

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Can’t stress this enough. To have someone be downed and suddenly come back either in a hospital gown or straight away within the 10 minute timer is not only crap rp but it’s impossible to continue a situation properly 

This isn't an RDM server so respawn shouldn't be a thing, in terms of if you die that its its over for you. Too many times its, die, respawn/revive straight back to the situation when in RP it makes no sense, will also make gun fights more fun I think, as they will have a clearer ending to them. 


+ 1000000000000

So, I have wanted to put this as a suggestion for a few weeks now. Coming back to a situation after being shot is not realistic as you would be seriously injured also the fact that the situation lasts forever and it gives unfair disadvantages for whoever is winning that situation and more arrive after 10 minutes to be quite honest just makes it shit and a waste of time for the people that shot them in the first place since they come back anyway. I 100% think no one should be able to return to a situation after downed, makes sense, makes it fair and as Father said stops the complaining! 

Basically any war or huge gun fight right there. While im not in a war situation on any character, i have seen many wars and far too many times the people that you downed recently have appeared over your body, fresh off the hospital bed for round two, making situations feel less like beef between gangs having a shootout and more of a team death match and it needs to change. If not, then perhaps a suggestion for a scoreboard could added so we can keep an eye on our k/d/a to make sure we dont drop below 1.0

+1, if you die / get knocked down  in a situation that should be it -  once you are back up - no going back at all, not even to the area - go do something else.

Absolutely feel free to disagree with me on this one.

Would it make sense for police officers to be able to come back to a situation after a 10 minute or even an extended timer if it was still ongoing as it would make sense for additional units to be arriving which we're limited by due to the number of people online at any given point being less then would actually be available.

Absolutely feel free to disagree with me on this one.

Would it make sense for police officers to be able to come back to a situation after a 10 minute or even an extended timer if it was still ongoing as it would make sense for additional units to be arriving which we're limited by due to the number of people online at any given point being less then would actually be available.
I get what you mean here. But then it feels like theres no way for the other side to win that situation if police keep coming back, maybe there could be a way around it?

Absolutely feel free to disagree with me on this one.

Would it make sense for police officers to be able to come back to a situation after a 10 minute or even an extended timer if it was still ongoing as it would make sense for additional units to be arriving which we're limited by due to the number of people online at any given point being less then would actually be available.
Depends if you want the 4 hour HMS like we used to get on Altis, stuff like police stations,prisons and the large bank and such I agree police should be coming back to, but police raiding little Billy or traffic stop on Steve, I don't think they should

(My opinion and not that of the staff team)

I get what you mean here. But then it feels like theres no way for the other side to win that situation if police keep coming back, maybe there could be a way around it?
True but if we look at it realistically the intention of a gunfight with police would be to eliminate the immediate threat and then withdraw and escape, this can be done without having it extend more then 10 minutes and if it does there should be the increased risk of additional police arriving.


I completely agree with the fact that it feels like it is an ongoing situation that doesn’t have an end to it. RP would be more immersive in my opinion as you don’t have the same people returning time and time again. A way to combat the con of staff monitoring, make sure to get ID’s.

+ 1 100% agree to return to a scene you have previously been incapacitated at, showcases zero to no value of life. Any server which allows for characters to return to a chaotic scene after they have been downed only can breed more chaos for a longer period of time. Nothing stops characters from leaving the scene and regrouping/changing tactics for another combat situation at a later point in time. I believe this should apply to both civilians and PD alike, police officers have a life beyond that of their job and should value it accordingly.

Absolutely feel free to disagree with me on this one.

Would it make sense for police officers to be able to come back to a situation after a 10 minute or even an extended timer if it was still ongoing as it would make sense for additional units to be arriving which we're limited by due to the number of people online at any given point being less then would actually be available.
I like the idea. I think that ultimately it would need to be decided whether or not to "permit" the police to re-enter the situation by a Commanding officer/Senior officer on duty and that person should be required to fully justify their reasoning before making that call. If it blew up because the person made a mistake then that person is not cut out for that job and that could be dealt with in the game.

Not the best solution but its what would happen in a major situation. Thats why police command is there.

personally. 10 mins feels to short. Some situations i believe still need it. Like big Bank. Its meant to be hard. Its meant to be like arma days. once you take one out you have 10 mins or whatever to take rest out before starting again.

However something like a house raid should be down means out of raid. 

Reason. Police being able to return i would say 15 mins to 20 mins. Makes it feel better for banks as otherwise it could be too easy to rob the bank. Its desgin in arma like said was to make it so once your ready you make that big push to get out alive. if you cant you hold off until ready to go again

(G4.4) When you are revived/downed:

You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 10 minutes

this should be changed that you should not be able to re enter that original scenario is over completely rather than 10minutes, there has been many of scenarios during a war / fight with police that they will come back when the 10 minute timer is over and it just prolongs the gun fight / combat situation and makes it drag out forever.


- Scenarios end quicker rather than dragging out for hours

- Saves people complaining in OOC chat about G4.4 

- Makes more sense within RP to be downed from a gun /  gang fight to be back within 10minutes


- if it is only a couple of people & they all go down, how would they know its over etc

- staff monitoring potentially
I was Just about to make this a suggestion as i feel like if you're in a gun fight and you keep coming back it's against the rules why is it not a rule that once you have been put in pillbox even if the person who puts you there starts again you should not be able to engage. as i could pilbox someone and wait for them to get out and do it again. which would be unfair on that person being pilboxed if the aggressor keeps starting it.

last night i was pilboxed by someone and there was no one in my area to give me lift to MRSPD so i ran back as i was going off duty on my way someone stopped me and asked me a question but as i was answering it the people that stole my car when i was pill boxed who was mocking me being on the floor came back to speak to me and started again. i pretended i didn't know them as tbh they are in my stolen police car which could be still involved in the scene as other cops could be hunting it down to get it back. i Just have been pillboxed that no one in that scene should carry it on even if the aggressor.

as last night another situation people where causing trouble at kraken and attacked the bar staff and pillboxed them soon as she came out they harrased her again, it's just shit tbh and unrealistic if you attacked someone you wouldn't keep doing it, i think this could improve people RP and maybe stopped little petty punches and like fighting between friends cause bored which affects NHS rp as they have to come and pick them up to watch them fight again
