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Halloween Purge Night

Hank Summers

Staff Team
Staff Team
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS Training
Los Santos Senior Firefighter
I'd just like to start by thanking the Developers, what they done for us yesterday (29/10/22) with only 24 hours development only goes to show the telent we have on offer within the RPUK team and why it is best and biggest in UK servers.

A massive thanks also goes out to the Staff team for keeping what law and order you could in terms of Purge Rules, especially your protection when it came to the hospitals and preventing groups from zerking, it was very much appreciated.

Yesterday was an amazing time and I think the change brought alot of positives to people, I for one appreciated the relaxation of everything and give me a new sense of enjoyment for the server, for me personally it was getting a little mundane and repetative (mostly down to myself as I have been concentrating on one character instead of branching out). The Purge let me relax within the city whilst also having the sense that I need to survive. I've never liked the thought of RDM but the way it was implimented by the devs, with having to search for your weapons and start on a level playing field brought with it a sence of achievement when you finally managed to get yourself a weapon, bandages and armour. 

I get the feeling that it was enjoyed by everyone, because one scenario stands out for me to be honest, I was up near the Vespucci Pawn Shop and I was running to meet up with friends when I was ambushed by a group, they attampted to shoot me but I got to cover so they decided to use their vehicle to get me instead, all I heard as I was downed was "GOTT HIM!!!" and histerical laughter... HOW CAN I BE MAD AT THAT! Hearing someone genuinly having a great time, but also just me being like "Yeah fair play!" 

Now onto 229... This group last night took ALOT of flack and it was sad to see, they were just as in the right as everyone else to have a good time, but from what I witnessed they were just getting constantly blasted in OOC, admittadly, I had one joke at their expense, but I made it explicitly clear it was a joke! I'd just like to say well done to 229 for not reacting too badly within OOC to people constantly having a go, we all have to remember, everyone started on a level playing field, including 229, no one had a single ounce of advantage when it came to weapons, cars and so forth.

Suggestions for going forward...

  • Take out blurry vision

    I'm not sure if this was removed later in the evening as I personally hadn't been affected by it, but I know alot of people were, blurry vision is great in RP terms as your vision is affected by certain ailments in real life, but I think for a purge night, this needs to be turned off

[*]Gang Colours

  • I know that gangs were 'switched off' for this session however I'd have like to have seen a temporary rule where gang colours were banned, I think this would have helped prevent alot of gang bashing in OOC

[*]Group Sizes

  • If this event was to happen again I'd like to see a temporary rule where the maximum group size would be 5, this would prevent zerging as much as possible and give everyone a fairer chance.

[*]Resuscitation (ties in with bin searching)

  • I know that the resuscitation time was reduced during this event however two points below

    If bin searching time was to be reduced then the resuscitation time would be good
  • If resuscitation time was reduced further then the bin searching time would be good

[*]Bin Searching (ties in with resuscitation)

  • Bin searching was a fundemental part of the server last night and it was amazing to see, having to scavenge for your supplies, I personally would like to see this introduced as a permenant feature, especially for new starters within the city, however please see my points within resuscitation for my views.


  • Searching the bins was an amazing addition and quite frankly as stated above I personally would like to see it introduced as a permenant feature, however if this event was to happen again I'd like to see a few things added

    Repair Kits - These would be a rare find and would only repair your vehicle to a very minimum standard
  • Defibrillators - These again would be a rare find and would prevent people having to travel vast distances to a hospital where the chances of getting killed again was quite high, even with the military protection

[*]Purge nights

  • This would be an extremely rare event, implimented by the development team in conjunction with the Staff team, it was clear to see that the night was enjoyed by all and a very nice change from the norm here at RPUK, I think the odd night like this would be amazing for the community especially being able to blow of a little steam, these nights would be limited to 2/3 times per year.

I thank everyone who has read this and would like to hear your thoughts below, 

I'd like to reiterate my thanks to the Development and Staff teams to put together something like this with only 24 hours notice!!

So I played the event as Jack Johnson last night, and I honestly do agree with the majority of the things you have said. 

The amount of people I seen complaining time and time again in OOC about this group, or this bin, or this ‘military member’ etc… was just stupid. The server was incredibly busy and most people were having fun though, it was amazing to see everyone letting their defences down and just having fun. 

Rules were removed that made it better obviously, several other rules were broken (acting injured etc…) but nobody was caring. The amount of people I killed that were just laughing & the amount of laughs I got from being killed in the stupidest ways was incredible. At one point there was Hustlers, Aztecas, 229 and other groups all down on top of Triad carpark and honestly not a single person wasn’t enjoying themselves still 🤣

I do also agree with the comments about 229, bit unfair that they were constantly singled out. I ran into them a few times through the night, not once was I killed by them. There was plenty of people playing in big groups, yet they seemed to be getting blamed time and time again. 

Amazing work from the RPUK dev and staff team, all put together so fast as well 👏 I didn’t know it was only 24hrs, that’s insane that they’ve managed to pull that off. 

Take out blurry vision
It was removed around an hour after the event started.

I know that gangs were 'switched off' for this session
They weren't, it was accidentally left in the changelog.

Bin searching was a fundamental part of the server last night and it was amazing to see, having to scavenge for your supplies, I personally would like to see this introduced as a permanent feature, especially for new starters within the city
We would have to write a whole new system for that since the system used last night was a bit buggy for some reason.

if this event was to happen again I'd like to see a few things added

  • Repair Kits - These would be a rare find and would only repair your vehicle to a very minimum standard
  • Defibrillators - These again would be a rare find and would prevent people having to travel vast distances to a hospital where the chances of getting killed again was quite high, even with the military protection
There were defibs in the crates and you could've asked one of the military for a repair kit and they likely would've gave you one.

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It was removed around an hour after the event started.

They weren't, it was accidentally left in the changelog.

We would have to write a whole new system for that since the system used last night was a bit buggy for some reason.

There were defibs in the crates and you could've asked one of the military for a repair kit and they likely would've gave you one.
Is this 1A3 speak for "thanks for the feedback - we've taken it onboard"? 😄 

I must agree with everyone here that the event was absolutely fantastic and enjoyable regardless! I had a blast and surprisingly i managed to down a fair lot of people
The great thing about the event is that MOST people don't get bitter when they were killed and just laughed about it as we shared this enjoyable purge night together!


Funny moments for me in the purge would have to be:

I stormed PD with a pistol and thought no one would be there and all of a sudden a CID officer or military official came around the corner and shot saying this is my police station before blasting me!

When a van came speeding around the corner with 3 guys in it and they ran me over but were persistent in killing me, they drove back and forth until they killed me and hearing the joy in their voices made it all worth it!

When we respawned at Paleto hospital and a lorry came out of nowhere demolishing around 6 people and a military guy resulting in me going flying!

I was in tears laughing throughout the event and it did genuinely cheer me up! Fantastic event!



Gangs did recieve alot of abuse in OOC by people thinking they were deliberately ganging up on people, I found the people that did team up provided some great RP before executing people which brought some adrenaline and excitement into the RP situation! 


It would be fantastic to see the purge come to the city on a day as a surprise as it was really enjoyable and well put together considering they only had 24 hours on

Again a huge thanks to the Managment, Staff and Developers of RPUK for the time they put into creating the event and also the time they put in during the event! Well done!


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PURGE WAS GREAT!!! thanks to all the wonderful people who made my night extra great despite  whatever problems people had i was happy with how it went made it great that the weapons became limited lucky we even got given guns imagine they just gave money and u had to go buy them THANKS ALOT for a great night look forward to many more keep up the good work  🙂 

I shot people as nhs then had e-sex with someone who everyone knew would have e-sex in middle of purge ahahaha. was a great laugh. Was also funny as medic everyone would revive you and claim you as theirs.
