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Koi "Qian" Leen


Well-known member
My name is Koi. 
I was named after my grandfather Koi Jensen.
Born in June 1990 in a village not far away from Chengdu.
In the 90's my mom and father moved to an island called Altis to start a new life but it turned out that the life in altis was pretty rough if not the same as it was in china.
My father that was from the Leen family was mostly known for his criminal life, he promised to Marie (my mom)
That he will stop being a criminal and start taking his life by both hands but Jinn (my father) wasn't able to bring bread to the table
It took no time for my father to return to his bad habits because its all he knew the family started to collapse
My father was already deep in the drug dealing round when my mom decided its enough they broke up but she kept living in altis just because there's no other place to go she was settled and had no power to start over.
All i knew is that my life split into 2 categories my life with mom and my life with my father.

Couple of years passed and my mom died she had cancer in a really progressive stage no one could help her and that's when my life turned 180 degree's.
I stopped going school was hustling the streets with the mind that i have a criminal father and no one could stand above.
When i reach 18 my father was killed by a group called UNMC in that time i met my new family They called themself "The Increments"
I found out a lot thru them my real persona in the underworld & the life i've always deserved , I had nothing to lose because i've already lost all i got so i was angry all the time looking for trouble in every corner
Then i got jailed for smuggling 7 kind of drugs i was known for my drug activity in the island always ready with my gun for thing to start pop off.

I was released from the jail after 13 Years just to find out that my family The Increments we're all jailed for life sentence , I've tried to keep myself over the water for a little while.
But things didn't went good for me until i got message from the prison from unknown individual i'm still looking to contact that individual because he probably saved my life, worse it couldn't be.
I was informed that there is new opertaional island that i could get involved in and that how i found myself heading towards Los Santos.

I didn't knew what to expect I am 31 years old with nothing left in my pockets no one to talk to no one to reach to
Lost in my own mind - but all i knew i've got to survive
My chinese roots and my will to survive will always drive me where i am belong and that's my story that keeps on rolling till this day.
