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Mirror Park Motors (Public Parking) QoL Changes

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Los Santos Police
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Mirror Park Motors
Brief Summary:

For around 2-3 months we have been RP'ing our new second hand car dealership called Mirror Park Motors. For this dealership we have going I want to ask for 2 QoL changes to make our lives, but also others' lives a bit easier.

Detailed Suggestion:

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First off is an easy one (for me, no clue how hard it is to code), currently there are 7 spawn points (marked in red) where local cars spawn when there is no one actively looking at them. This is a GTA mechanic, but I am wondering if it is something that could easily be prevented by a dev so that they won't spawn there anymore. There are still local car spawns around the corner next to the Mirror Park Lake so people will not lose the ability and access to a local car when needed. If it takes up a load of dev time I would rather see that time spent on server wide matters obviously, but if it's an easy fix it would be greatly appreciated. At the moment we have to either lockpick the cars or push them out the lot, then contact police to get them impounded so there aren't 7 random cars stood next to the road. It's fun RP to do once or twice, but it gets boring for all parties if we have to do it every day.

Second one is not only aimed towards us, but also all the other people that use the Mirror Park Public Parking as well as mechanics doing delivery jobs for us (we try to transfer as many cars through the delivery system to create job opportunities and RP for mechanics). The zones highlighted in green currently can't be used to park a car, even though there are literal car bays (parking spots) there. The 2 bays nearest to the parking machine are the first two spawn points, but when you pull out a car you are unable to park it back up in the same place. You'd have to drive the car either on the curb next to the machine or on the main lot (except for the part of the main lot that can also not be used). These 2 bays we always keep open so people can still properly use the parking lot, but everyone struggles because you can't park up cars there. Also I think it might be a bug/issue since vans and trucks can be parked there.
If the parking zoning could be extended towards the whole lot instead of these wierd individual zones it would make it a lot easier for all parties involved.

The Pros:

QoL updates for us, mechanics, anyone using Mirror Park Public Parking

The Cons:

Dev time. I think the parking zoning would be easier than the prevention of cars spawning, but I have no experience with GTA mechanics or coding so that's just an assumption. Like I said earlier, if it's bare work it's obviously not worth it but if it's an easy fix we would greatly appreciate it.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Not at all.

Edit 29-03-2024:
Looking at the latest changelog it seems to be possible to implement both these fixes which I am happy to see! Hopefully this will be looked into 😃🫡
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+1 Hugo Sinclair hasnt managed to catch up with you lately, but you've been hella consistent and always creating experiences for people.
Rejected - Second Hand Car Dealership Given
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