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More Roleplay scenario based Events


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Basically some of the staff event team would roleplay as criminal contacts within the city that you could gain reputation with by completing certain tasks they would give, for example say there's some evidence that could incriminate a certain contact of theirs and you have too retrieve the evidence folder from MRPD. With gaining better reputation and trust with the criminal contacts they would then pass on better intel to your group, for example a shipment of weapons could be coming into a dock location guarded by heavily armed Russians (played by staff).

These are just a few examples and I'm sure the possibilities are endless. I feel like this could really bring roleplay scenario based events into a new light with more depth and a feeling as if there is much more going on in the city than first meets your eye.

With Criminal contacts giving out intel about weapon shipments and that they would only be given too like say 2 gangs per event to obviously stop basically the whole city rocking up.

I feel the staff event team could really get behind this because I could see it being very enjoyable for the roleplay aspect for them as well