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REMOVE Barrier from Scrapyard


Los Santos Police
A Place Which Is Unknown
Making a little suggestion to the Scrapyard by asking for this barrier to be removed so you can park your car closer to the salesman. I've found it when I have been taking 4-5 crates to him it's a bit of a long walk, whereas if this were to be removed it wouldn't take as long.

I don`t agree with this change. The guy is tucked away for a reason. Let it stay like that.
I don`t agree with this change. The guy is tucked away for a reason. Let it stay like that.
Could you explain why you disagree? I'm not asking for him to be exposed on the GPS/Maps, I'm asking for 1 prop to be removed so that it's easier to access him
Its always best to go down there with 2 or 3 people as it can be a prime robbing spot. But i dont see it being an issue having to walk that far. Adds a bit suspense to the situation.

Just my opinion of course.
I think it's there on purpose so that it makes the person kinda more hidden as they aren't map marked, and it makes it that little bit tougher to find them haveing to get out and search, like if you could drive right next to him then you would be in and out in a few seconds or people would just ram cars in there to be a pain

Tho you could always use a motorbike