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Report a player - ID: 39 - GTA RP

M.B.G - Luke

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Fudge Lane

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Luke Gambino
Reported Players: ID: 39
Date: Apr 12, 2024
Time: 10:45
What best describes this incident: NVL
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So me and my friend went to rob the cutting boat, upon entering we saw ID: 39, After 2 weapons over and over again demanding him to put his hands up he stalled and nvled and did not comply, constantly heading towards the door until finally he makes a run from 2 weapons.

This is clear NVL and shows he cares more about whats in his pockets then to follow server rules and roleplay.
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Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!

Player Tyler Francis

So, yes i would deem this NVL because he was very clearly at the disadvantage here. There was no where to go, no cover nothing. However looking at logs, you shot this guy. He then logged out and back in a few times and was then revived at the hospital later that day at around 12:30. Saving all of his cocaine and proving that he probably did care more about his gear than server rules.

Player will be banned for C2.3 and i will add the NVL onto his notes.