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Report a player - Sonny - GTA RP

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M.B.G - Luke

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Fudge Lane

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Luke Gambino
Reported Players: Sonny
Date: Apr 8, 2024
Time: 00:00
What best describes this incident: NVL | VOICE IDing | NLR
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So unfortunately im making this report due to the sheer fact i dont believe sonny is here to abide by rules or play the server fairly.

Multiple times in the past sonny has nvled and nlred and voice recognised me with a voice changer, Again today i tried to rob him on hustlers turf after i scouted him selling drugs with his friends (which i also tried to hands) that was until he ran to his bike and tried to flee from 3 guns pointed at him with demands given.

This here clearly breaches NVL and is bannable.

In regards to the Voice Iding and NLR - Im trying to find clips but later in the night after being dumped which you see in the id proof, we robbed him later on after another encounter with many there which he again like in situation before he says things like "Its Luke the bodyguard from marabunta with a voicechanger" so he clearly is just a rulebreaker as ive encountered him before but not remembered to clip it in time to capture it

ps: unsure of exact time so put 00:00 and any other proofs i will list very shortly if i havent 10 mins after the report just proceed to do him for NVL
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2640x4LXXNQ9pV/d1337Q4lUhGk?invite=cr-MSxLVWosMTc0MzA5NDYyLA
https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/263VUpQ3m8NK1U/d1337z5FaUwf?invite=cr-MSxlV2osMTc0MzA5NDYyLA NVL CLIP

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/264NabVqKCtN2p/d1337WzBKcOl?invite=cr-MSxGOFgsMTc0MzA5NDYyLA - He then comes back after writing this report around 10 minutes ago like 4am and then randomly VDMS us and breaks nlr doing it

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/264NrG8JpwEPm0/d1337KVhG260?invite=cr-MSxBUjYsMTc0MzA5NDYyLA - Not only that just to top it off he then combat logs after i shot him for doing it and you see his same id

I shall leave this to staff
Hi @L100UKE

Are we talking about Sonny Pebble here in Lost MC?

Thank you for clarifying. I’ll look at reviewing this tonight.
I just find it really cringe and weird that you’ve been reporting me for this whole situation.

Why are you lying with your evidence? The only thing I did is by confronting you about doing the same RP repeatedly. You got mad because of it. I mean if you would rob kill and dump me with your own voice i would accept it and just go on. But the way you’re doing it is in my opinion really low. You represent yourself as a gang then act like it. I would have more respect for that if you did. Are you hiding something here?

to be fair I thought using voice changer is against the rules, if not alright sure. But isn’t it weird and unfair to repeat your RP and voice changer continuously every single time?

Do you think the way you’ve been playing on this server is going to be good for you? I mean I’m not that super experienced in the server but the way I see it it seems unfair to me. If you want to get me every single time then change the way you do it. You are repeating the same RP over and over again.

If staff is going to decide to get me banned I would accept it and go on. But you Luke are a good example to not enjoy the server in any sort of way.

I tried to talk to you and sort this out but you didn’t want that. after that i left everything in peace and never showed my face at the Marabunta turf. And then you found me again and repeated your nonsense.

You really expect I’m just going to sit there and don’t react about the situation? You’ve been causing drama since then. I just want to play the game grind my hours and do my thing. But you always need to find me and cause drama.

And now you report me because of it? That’s super unfair. You started all this. Not me. You should’ve just give the chance to talk to me about it and see what would happen. And now you are lying about me breaking the rules… sure

I’m still up to talk about it but I don’t think that’s going happen unfortunately.

Anyway, if I get banned or whatever, I just hope you going to change the way you act in this server.

Sonny thanks for the reply.

After alot of time and watching you continuosly break rules im not in any mood to talk to you as everytime i do its an insult
you claim "its all the time" yet theres a fair amount of time in days between interactions

Ive done well in this city and your the first to ever complain about me.

You not liking me robbing and killing you and me using a voicechanger, wont avoid your NLR | NVL | VDM AND CL unfortunately sonny and you have no sign of improvement.

I have had many people tell me you have tried to identify them as Luke Gambino whenever they have their voicechanger on which shows you voice ID any voicechanger as me when alot of the city use them

Staff can handle this
Hello there Luke,

I just find it really low and unprofessional that you are constantly pointing the finger at me. You’re the one who caused this whole thing. My point here is that you’ve been repeatedly doing the same RP over and over again. You’re the only one I confronted about using voice changer. Nobody else ever did tried to do a RP with a voice changer but only you.

I tried to talk to you about it and sort the situation but you declined it and threatened me immediately after. I just gave up

And there was only 1 week in between the whole situation where you left me alone and then you start causing drama again. You kept doing the same RP.

Why are you lying about me breaking the rules in many sorts of way? Stop doing that it’s unfair and ridiculous. I’m just here trying to enjoy the server, but you are just there making it bad for me. I didn’t do nothing to you. But if you keep going at it don’t you think it’s normal and natural that I will react to it?

I had a lot of people asking me to just back off and don’t react to the situation. They got mad at me because they didn’t want me to make a bad name for them. So I respected that

But obviously (like I knew it would happen again) you came and repeated you RP. Same thing

Making up lies sonny? The evidence is there bro

Just because your a little disheartened and mad that you got robbed for drugs and then robbed 1 week later which is a big time frame

You can’t go throwing a tantrum making such crazy accusations.

Now I do not wish for you to reply and let staff deal with this
Hi @M.B.G - Luke Apologies it has taken so long to get to this,

I'll deal with what he have at hand here, and I'll be disregarding the rest and they should have really been made when you think a rulebreak as occurred.

@Sonnyliston I don't know why you decide to try and run for your bike in the clip provided when you have a gun pointed to do with instructions to stop, a clear violation of NVL

For that I will be issuing you with a warning for this.
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