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Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jonny Delaney
Reported Players: unknown
Date: Apr 30, 2024
Time: 15:30
What best describes this incident: (C2.3) Combat logging/Interaction logging
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We attempted to talk to a taxi driver about his vehicle condition outside mission row and to check he was alright. My driver was under the impression he saw him being chased by a gang shortly before. We pulled up to say hello and to engage in RP with him. He then reverses, we do the same and he pops his head without saying anything. Didn't get chance to grab his ID number, and didn't see him again after that, we popped back a short time later to see if he was back and the taxi was still abandoned.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2anMEF6A7lJE-B/d1337Fyx06x6?invite=cr-MSw5MXcsMTY4MTY1NDU4LA
Hello I was the driver (of the police car) I was looking behind me when we were heading north on elgin ave towards pillbox where i saw what looked like a pretty damaged taxi being chased by what I think was some balla members? not sure but anyways, i followed cause it looked like the person may have been getting chased and when we got to the car it was nearly broken down, tried to talk to him, he reversed away when we reversed also to try and talk to him he vanished, could have maybe been a game crash but in all honest judging from the way it happened i doubt it, sadly I didn't clip us following the chase as I just didn't think about it after the guy vanished!.

Not sure who the actual people chasing were obviously they've not done anything wrong but yeah.
Hi @__saiint__ and @Pest

As you can imagine, it would be near impossible for us to determine who this player is without an ID/Death log or anything to go off like that.

Unfortunately this report will have to be denied without evidence of an ID. Could you let me know if you do have one and get back to me please,

Thank you :)
No worries mate cheers for having a look anyway!
no problem cheers anyway Hank :)
Cheers guys, have a good evening
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