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Street Gang Pocket Bandanas

Would definitely be a good addition to add to the street gang clothing making the customisation a little more life like. Definitely a +1 from me 

+1 i would love to see this 🙂 for some reason if i wear a mask it kinda changes my face structure so this would be a good alternative.

100% a +1 from me it should bring along alot more outfit ideas with it

+1 Great Suggestion 

If they could be made to be lootable that would really enhance wars when they start. 

Example being the first gang that collects 50 opposition bandanas or say the most collected in a set period eg a week would determine the winner. 

It relies on gang leads being able to put ego aside and not try to lie or cheat of course but in the sense of good rp for the server it'd be pretty good. 

Personally wouldn't wear them myself but would be nice to see them for options, you could see people wearing whatever coloured outfits they want ( clothes that they like that they can't wear as they need to rep their own) with these in the back pocket, would be a nice change to seeing people's faces maybe aswell within RP rather than masked up 24/7. +1

Like the fact i could wear anything with this in me back pocket, as said above it would be nice to see faces more +1

Defo should be implemented will give gang members the ability to wear other clothes other than gang clothes whilst still showing that theyre part of a gang.

Maybe go as far as something specific and personal to each gang instead of just the bandanas, something each gang would have that represents their theme more and can carry around / wear. Could be a certain necklace or hat or something along those lines. 

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