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Unban Appeal - ABEZZX - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for ABEZZX 

In-game Name: Benjamin Morehead

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198082012405

Ban ID: !!rpuk14648!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I tried logging into the server this morning and received the above message when trying to login.
I have been informed that I am permanent banned for !!rpuk14648!! Reason G2.9 – Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

I hardly play my other character so I don’t think its anything to do with this, this leads me to believe it may be due to a car sale at Mosley’s – I was working at Mosley’s and had a customer come in and enquire about a few cars. We didn’t have one in stock, and he couldn’t hang around for the vehicle to be delivered so asked if he could pay for the vehicle now, so he didn’t spend the money in casino and collect the vehicle tomorrow. He popped back in and collected the car, the way the car sales work meant he would have had to have the money in his pocket for me to process the sale, so I gave the cash back and processed the sale.
I was told a little while after the sale it may not be a good idea to do that for people because some people may use this method to help them break this rule.

I can provide a copy of the webhook car sale link if needed and a copy of the discord message advising it may be best not to do this in future in case of something like this happening!
Many thanks for taking your time to read through this, if there is anything further I can provide or any more information you would like please let me know.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I have been caught up in this situation as an innocent party, the guy that came to buy the car as far as I am aware was the same guy, I sent him my number and he called me the following day he was dressed, looked and sounded the exact same. I do not know this person, he was just a random customer that came to buy a car and I believe I have been caught up in this situation. I will ensure I do not put myself in this situation again and take payments for vehicles in advanced.

Adding further information to this appeal as asked by Scott: 

I have been contacted by someone who knows why I was banned below allegedly. 



Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Good morning @ABEZZX, I hope all is well with you! 🙂

This is now the second time you've been "caught up" in transferring items between characters.
The player linked sent you £380,000, to which you then transferred £109,000 back to another character of his.

How is this you being "caught up"? You'd have known they're different characters, and if the money was for buying a car why are they different amounts that are sent? 

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Morning @DanooThank you for taking the time to look into this, but I have a slightly different account of events that happened that evening. This statement is incorrect 'The player linked sent you £380,000'

I in-fact never received any money (the  £380,000 you mention) from this persons first character or any character for that matter (Character A lets call it) the character that I bought a Jester RR from. I received a phone call that evening from a number not saved in my phone asking if I still hold raffles at Otto's as i used to to, and was asked if I would raffle this car. I explained I don't really work there any more, it would be best to speak to someone there if they was looking to raffle this car, we got talking and the guy was really just interested in selling the car for some quick cash. This was not unusual to get these types of calls or requests working at a car dealership. I had previously a month or so ago bought one of these cars for £400,000. I said to he caller, If you want a quick sale I can offer you £400,000 for the car, the deal was agreed and we met at city hall. 

When I arrived at city hall I was shown the car, on the way into city hall to do the transfer the guy said, I haven't got 20k for the logbook so can you send me that so I can do the transfer, I agreed - Car was then transferred to me, after I signed the log book I transferred the guy 380k that I still owed for the car - this is the normal way I purchase as I think most people do to try and avoid a scam. (I never got received any cash from this character at all and hopefully you will be able to see this, I have no reason to lie). To also clarify, I didn't know this person, have his number or even recognise this persons voice, to me it was just someone random that may have spoken to someone at Ottos and passed my number.

Moving on a few hour later I believe

Character B 

I received a call from a number I did have saved in my phone from a guy i used to buy materials from a few months ago, he phoned me up saying he is moving house am I buying materials, again this is not unusual for Abe as I am head of resources for the group I am currently with so get lots of calls regarding buying of materials. We discussed what materials he had, and agreed a price of 120k for the 500 copper. He then said, if you come and collect them I will knock 20k off, so with that being said me and someone else from my group heading to the guys gps to collect said materials (it was his house). whilst we was there, he had a look though some more lockers in his house and said he has some other materials 250 gp, and an odd bit of leather to which I agreed to buy. I sent him the money via paypal to this character B, as as the copper and leather was for our group I paid for that our of our group funds and the gp was personal. 

To me I thought this was two different people, I wasn't to know it was the same person playing on two different characters, and I am not sure how I would find that out, or even if I am suppose to know that? This was purely two transactions of me buying a car from character A and then materials from character B two different people that turned out to be one persons different characters.

Sorry for rambling on into the events that evening but I think it is important for you to know considering what I am being accused of. 

I fully understand the rules and have been keeping to them since my fist pull up and do my best to play within them, nothing seamed wrong or off this evening so this ban has come as a big surprise. If i smelt something off with it then I would have walked away / clipped it and mentioned it in a ticket or something. 

Good morning, @ABEZZX! Thank you for the response.
I do appreciate the effort behind it, as after all the appeals are where we attempt to get a better understanding of what happened and listen to you 🙂

My statement is true, your ban would not have been pushed if this was false information.
Another character (Winston) sends you a bank transfer of £380,000 at 22:38 which you did receive.
You then send another character, Stirling (Which is the same player behind Winston) £109,000 at 00:10.

What did you receive the £380,000 for from Winston at 22:38?

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Good Morning @Danoohope your well this morning. 

Genuinely have no idea what's happened here then as my account of events I explained above is how I recall it all happened on this particular evening. At no point do I recall Winston sending me a bank transfer of £380k or a reason behind it because it just doesn't make sense. 

I am the one who bought a Jester RR from Winston, I sent him 20k for the log book transfer as he said he didn't have enough money to process this, then once that was done proceeded to bank transfer him £380k for the Jester RR so I am unsure why it is showing up as him sending me money?

Winston / Stirling even contacts me and explains what  he done here - he doesn't mention he sent me any money - perhaps he could explain why he done that because I do not recall another interaction with Winston that would have lead up to him sending me £380k.

My only guess is unless he has somehow managed to send me the money back without me knowing as he had my PayPal ID from when I sold him the car I really dont know, there is no reason I can see why he would send me £380,000. So to answer you question: What did you receive the £380,000 for from Winston at 22:38? I really have no idea, there is nothing I sold him. I only bought a car from Winston, and then later on materials from Stirling. 

If this has happened then I am more than happy for the £380k to me removed / deleted as there is no reason I can see for it. 

Good afternoon, @ABEZZX! 🙂

I've had a further look into this with a Staff Lead. 
We've come to the conclusion that you have been caught up in this. Due to the above we will be issuing an unban.

The ban will be removed and will not count towards your FBS. Apologies 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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