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Unban Appeal - DEMO - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for DEMO 

In-game Name: Tommy Savage

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199418107024

Ban ID: !!rpuk1244!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for combat logging during a scene.

Why should we unban you ?: yes i have combat logged in the past were i showed a lot of remorse and regret. i also said i would never do it again. in this situation i came back in rp after not playing for a long time due to being frustrated and feeling like i needed a break. My first day back flying in i came in the city i decided to ride around and see what's happening i bumped into to a guy driving his car and i decided to have a chat with him. while having a chat with this said i guy i then decided to stick him up with intentions to rob him because i suspected he could be apart of the hustlers (gang i dont like), while sticking him up i was still on my bike so i told him exit the car which he did i then proceeded to get off my bike to go and search him prior to me getting off my bike he has a gun pointed at him and he knows i have a gun out he can clearly see. as i got off the bike my gun went back into my pockets or lowered and he took that opportunity to turn around and shoot which killed me. i was very annoyed by this because i felt like he used game mechanics to his advantaged because he should of kept his hands up and not moved that's why i just combat logged because i thought these are the reasons why i took a break in the first place. looking back now i should of let the scene play out and dealt with it after it ended rather than doing what i did and just quitting that was a selfish act. and ive been roleplaying long enough to know that's not acceptable or how i should handle said situations. Since ive took another break its been a while and i have reflected on my actions and i also am regretting i dealt with the scene in that way. i also am disappointed that i am here back in the appeal section once again for the same rule break its a joke tbh. i would be grateful if i could get another chance to return to the city and show that i can provide quality rp and abide by the rules.
Thank you for taking time to look at this appeal

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


These two are not correct.

Steam ID: 76561199418107024
Ban ID: !!rpuk1244!!
Please correct it to the correct IDs in your next reply or edit them in your next reply. 

You've CL'd before...why should we entertain a second CL ban? 
What are your plans?

Ban ID: !!rpuk12444!!

Steam ID: 76561199418107027

Good Evening 

The first time I combat logged i was fairly new to rp and i done that for personal gain which was stupid i learnt a hard lesson from that. I got unbanned which i was very lucky and grateful for. I havent had any problems since and even started making a few reports myself for people like me that break rules. With that being said this time around i combat logged for none of those reasons it was just out of pure frustration. i think that was just a time for me where i was just playing too much and i hadn't been on rp uk for while and i just fought fuck it im gone cant be asked. Very silly way to think because ive now put my self in this position. Its been a while since ive played i know the rules i can play by them and i think i am a quality roleplayer an i can bring that to the city with my character tommy. If im unbanned im sure alot of things have changed in the city its been so long. I think i would just come back and try and get to just get to know the community again before i make any choices of what life i choose to lead in the city moving forward. I will re read the rules because they might have also been amended since ive last played. That are my plans 

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban.

 I am certain ive learnt my lesson from this permanent ban I am currently on
This is a quote from your last appeal, for combat logging. 
It seems you didn't learn a lesson from the previous ban, it took you no more than 4 months to do it again!

Are you only writing what you believe we want to hear, or do you actually stand for what you are saying - because the quote from your last appeal clearly wasn't the truth.


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Good afternoon, 

I was certain I learnt my lesson I don’t just say things to say it. Back then the circumstances to me combat logging was very different but nonetheless whether the circumstances are different I still shouldn’t have done it.  From the logs you can see the 2nd time I combat logged I didn’t try to re enter the city so it wasn’t a case where I was tryna avoid loosing anything or tryna be smart I was just genuinely frustrated at the situation that took place I think I just reached my boiling point with rp. 

I do stand for what I’m saying and yes considering I said I wouldn’t do again and I had learnt my lesson which was true. For me to be back here again it looks very unbelievable I understand that. From when I last combat logged and I’ve been banned u can see I’ve taken a long break I haven’t just tried to return. I have sat down and thought about my actions before making an appeal and trying to return to the city. 

thank you for taking time to respond and I hope I can be given another chance to re join the city and show I can abide by the rules that are set out. 

I will even be happy to give up what ever valuable items I had at the time to show that i didn’t combat log for personal gain or to save anything. 

Good evening @DEMO, I hope all is well! 🙂

You've been here on this server for less than a year, within that time you've managed to rack up 3 bans and 2 warnings.
The record you've received does not fill me with much confidence whatsoever & I'd be hoping for an extremely good reason to give you yet another chance here as we will not keep entertaining unban appeals from you.

Do you often break rules on this server out of frustration? 
How do I know if I give you another chance here that you won't become frustrated and end up back here again? 

Hi Danoo 

Im doing well thank you I hope all is well with you also.

Your right its not the best track record at all after looking back at my last appeal today i really should have knew and done better I defo let myself down and papasmurphy he said he didn't want to see me here again and here I am. Honestly i wouldn't entertain another ban appeal from me myself because i write so much i find it hard and time consuming to follow my appeals myself so I can agree with you on that also. This is the first time i have broke any rule out of frustration ive been put in situations whilst in rp where i should have lost my patience and i didn't  i let scenes carry on and waited to deal with it in the right manner. Unfortunately this time round i didn't.

You know what Danoo i would promise that i would never get frustrated again and end up in the appeal sections but im not going to do that ive already made promises and i haven't stuck by them. All i can say is which is kind of brutal but because i have broken promises its the only way i can go about it, that if i am given another chance that if i break a rule and end up here again no staff should entertain my appeal whatsoever. This time i will have to prove with actions and not words. I am working alot of hours during the week now  so i have less time to play like i use to i really played alot for hours on end. So now i will have that off time where its not constantly playing games for me to even get into a state of frustration or annoyance. 

i hope these answer to your questions help. Thanks 

Good afternoon @DEMO!

I would like to believe there is some truth behind this appeal regarding you reading and understanding the rules now. If you find it difficult to continuously write and follow your appeals then simply stop getting yourself back on this section of the forums as it's not that difficult. 

The fact this is your second combat logging ban tells me you have not learned your lesson whatsoever. 
Please know that I have not made this decision lightly but I am willing to give you one final chance on this server, if you then decide to go ahead and throw this opportunity away then it's on your head and yours only.

We will not keep entertaining appeal after appeal from you especially with it being the exact same rule over and over again. 

Do not mess this up, if you appeal again the likelihood is we will not touch it. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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