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Unban Appeal - frank44 - GTA RP

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O Block

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Frank McNibbles
Steam ID: 76561198833950114
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15952
Ban Reason: NVL
Why do you think you were banned: I did not value my life in a situation where i was clearly at a disadvantage, resulting in my death.
Why should we unban you: thank you to whoever replies to this unban appeal, i understand i am not held in good light looking at my ban record. I hope when reading this, you hold no prejudice towards me, but understand that i am deeply sorry for my errors, and wish nothing but to improve myself and my behaviour moving forward, if im given the chance. I would love to be unbanned and able to rejoin all my friends on RPUK, in my time on the server i really really enjoyed myself in something id never tried before, it was refreshing, and i ruined it for myself and other. Given another chance, i want to reinvent myself within RPUK, whether that be as a new character or trying something new, i hope i can fullfil this :)

Thanks, FRANK :D
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @frank44 , I hope all is well! :)

thank you to whoever replies to this unban appeal, i understand i am not held in good light looking at my ban record.
24/10/2023 - 1 Day ban for G2.3
03/11/2023 - 2 Day ban for G1.2
14/11/2023 - Warning for C1.14
18/11/2023 - Warning for C1.7
22/11/2023 - 7 Day ban for G2.3 / G2.4 - Should've been a permanent as per FBS but staff discretion saved you.
18/12/2023 - Warning for G2.3
21/12/2023 - Warning for G7.5
23/01/2024 - Warning for C1.7
30/01/2024 - Perm ban for G2.4

I'll leave this here again, for reference.

I would love to be unbanned and able to rejoin all my friends on RPUK
Why would you like to be unbanned here, other than joining friends again?
Good Evening Danoo, Hope you are also well.

To answer your question, i would like to be unbanned on RPUK, to explore other avenues of roleplay. As stated in my appeal, i am interested in starting a legal character, whether that be in the Police force, legal service, or joining the NHS team. I wish to rejoin RPUK to prove myself, not only as a person, but a roleplayer in the community. I wish to rebuild relationships with people who dislike my character, and rethink the way i interact with people.

thanks again for your time danoo :)
Thanks for the response,

Please could you walk me through what actually happened on the day you received your ban?
Why had you broken G2.4?
Morning Danoo, hope your day has started well :)

In regards to the situation where I broke rule G2.4, I was lockpicking a car over at TyreNuts, and when approached by multiple individuals with guns, although I couldn’t see as I was in the boot UI, I was told that I was being robbed, with multiple guns, and refused to drop my fire axe. I then axed down a gunman, resulting in me being shot by the other. It was stupid, unfair and boring roleplay on my end.
Good to hear,

knowing now how the situation was seen by others, and how I conducted myself. I failed to provide good roleplay, and let myself and other down by swinging about. I guess I did it out of frustration I’d been caught out, and to make myself laugh, which I’m fully aware isnt the correct way to go about a situation, seeing as RPUK is seen as such a high standard of roleplay, and I wish to achieve the same but in this instance didn’t.
Good evening @frank44 ,

Frustrated that you had been caught out from what exactly? Why has your frustration come into place?
Good evening @frank44 ,

Frustrated that you had been caught out from what exactly? Why has your frustration come into place?
Evening Danoo,

to answer your question, frustrated id been caught when rummaging the boot of the car, kinda assumed it would take the usual path of shot, killed, dumped, as is common with tyrenuts. Again, not an excuse for my poor roleplay, something i much regret now.
Afternoon! :)

Do you often find yourself getting frustrated here? If you've broken a rule out of anger once, surely you'll end up doing it again, no?
Hello danoo, Thanks for the reply.

I think towards the end of my time at RPUK and leading to my ban, i had put a lot of time into the server in a short span of months, i found myself getting bored more easily, and therefore my standards of roleplay slipped and frustrations arose. I was unemployed at the time, and have since started a full time working position. I think the combination of time away from the server, and a more mature outlook on things since being back in work, will allow me to fully immerse myself in the roleplay again, and take things more seriously, creating a better experience for myself and others.
Thanks for the response @frank44 ,

Since receiving this ban, have you been playing on any other servers?
Hey danoo,

Yeah i was playing arena 3.0 for a while, and a few other servers here and there, but never for more than a day or so as i just didn't enjoy them. I am slightly confused as to what this has to do with my ban appeal on RPUK, but ill trust in you here danoo :)
Afternoon @frank44 ,

It's got plenty to do with my next question, I was essentially attempting to gather if you've roleplayed anywhere else, gained any other roleplay experience since being banned.

Are you actually here for roleplaying purposes, and do you enjoy the roleplay provided here?
Hello Danoo, thanks for the reply.

I see what you mean, and apologies if i came across rude or unnecessary. I didn't do lots of roleplay, as stated prior, maybe a day or two here and there.

In response to your questions on whether i am playing RPUK to roleplay, and follow storylines and character development. Your answer is yes. When i first started playing RPUK, i didnt know what i was doing, but was told by some mates to jump on and give it a try. So i did. i instantly loved it, and proceeded to play it daily for months. In that time, i developed my character, Frank McNibbles, in so many ways. I engaged in deep and complex roleplay stories, including many different people and even entire services, such as G6 and their lawsuit against me. I thoroughly enjoy roleplaying here, and if i didn't, then i simply wouldnt have appealed.

Thanks, FRANK :)
Hello @frank44 ,

I assume the direct quote from you saying "Fuck I hate roleplay" was meaningless?
Good evening @frank44

You have said many hate filled things about this server, even after being given benefits of the doubt by staff , so why should we give you a second chance?
Given the roleplay that you provided before this ban was terrible at times what would be any different if you were to be given a second chance?
Hello jessie, thanks for this reply.

In previous interactions with staff, I've had a few heated moments, yet don't recall saying anything directly vicious about the server. And for all of these, i've reached out, apologised and moved forward with the individual people (or as i believe so). Again, i apologise for my actions, and they will not be repeated.

If given a second chance on RPUK, as previously mentioned, I will try and branch out my roleplay, whether that be through a new character experiencing more legal roleplay, or changing the way Frank McNibbles interacts and what he does, on a more reformed path. I can appreciate that my reputation among staff and some RPUK members is shoddy at best. But i'd appreciate if we can all see this as i do, as a serious turning point, and motivation to be better moving forward.

Thanks, FRANK :D
Good afternoon @frank44 ,

In previous interactions with staff, I've had a few heated moments, yet don't recall saying anything directly vicious about the server. And for all of these, i've reached out, apologised and moved forward with the individual people (or as i believe so). Again, i apologise for my actions, and they will not be repeated.
The thing is, we're not going to keep letting you back into the server and then banning you again like a yo-yo.
We spend so much time dealing with your rule breaks when we could be spending it helping others have a really good experience on the server.

Do you think that perhaps Frank McNibbles is the issue? I notice majority of your punishments are through this character.
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