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Unban Appeal - Keiran Jerome - GTA RP

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Larry Bones

Unban Appeal for Keiran Jerome 

In-game Name: Keiran Jerome

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198069488214

Ban ID: !!rpuk11670!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Probably because of the swift leaving after I was dumped to the bottom of the ocean in my car

Why should we unban you ?: Because the reason I was banned in the first place was a fallacy of the highest order, I was ocean dumped in my car, to the bottom of the ocean, therefore I conclude I am dead, The average person can hold their breath for 30-90 seconds and I can assure you a person with multiple gun shot wounds would be much lower. On top of this I did not have the time to wait, They was already swapping me in cars, taking me about trying to figure out where to dump me by this time it was already about 4:30AM, I died around 6 minute before that I am guessing. The fact of the matter is that I had to go, the RP situation was over, and it is a joke I've been banned in the first place, of the past two week I've spent 105 hours of my short time on this earth playing on your server and to be PERMA banned for not sitting at looking at my screen for an extra 5 or so minutes at half 4 in the morning is beyond me, while they went off and did whatever. Anyways, if I have left earlier than I was allowed I apologize, I was under the impression that when I've been ocean dumped that's it, I'm dead, I thought that's why people dump you in the ocean? Like I said, it was around half 4 in the morning, I shouldn't of been on that late anyways as I had to take my daughter to nursery in the morning, But I went along with the rp, let them dump me, then logged off a minute after, to which I even let them know I was going in ooc, which I think this is how the ban has came about because if i didn't they would not of had a clue as the RP situation was over. I also had 0 reason to combat log I had nothing of value to me. It was just a case of I wanted to respawn in the morning when I had time to. Please show mercy and be reasonable.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there @Keiran Jerome

You did in fact combat log, but you knew what you were doing. Before you left you said in OOC and I quote "shiver me timbers, night boys and they/them"

By no means was this an accident, at no point did you make staff aware in OOC/In a ticket that you had to log off.  - Apart from that mocking statement above. 
Combat Logging automatically comes with a 1 month waiting period. Since you were banned on the 08/02/2023 - You can appeal said ban on the 08/03/2023

DENIED - Appeal in a month from now. 

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