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Unban Appeal - Macca_0709 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: McKenzie Jones
Steam ID: 76561198146385278
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12345
Ban Reason: im not sure - just a discord ban i believe
Why do you think you were banned: i'm not really sure just the server disappeared and when i try and join it says i'm banned? i dont think ive ever spoken in the server or anything tbh my discord ID is macca1105
Why should we unban you: because i don't think ive done anything wrong as i said i've never spoken in the discord or anything
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
hello, i hope your well,

strange, when i click on the link to join it says unable to join, so i got my friend to send me a fresh invite and it says unable to send because im banned i will attach what it says.

i also tried creating a fresh discord account and joining so i could put something in the help/ticket channel but it did the same thing?
Do you have a second Discord account?
Anyone living within the same household who is banned from the Discord?
i have a second discord account with the username "ken_rae0709" but i haven't used that in a while and someone else does live with me who plays RPUK but they are still able to get into city and discord,
i've been in and out of the city with no issues for past couple of months so not sure whats happening

just trying to figure it out to be honest so confused haha
Thanks for the response! :)

It appears "ken_rare 0709" (659888584152580127) has been banned from the Discord.
Have you no clue as to why? Perhaps you should check the account ;)
thanks for getting back to me quickly.

ill try and get into the account now but i havent used it in months, bear with me ahah
i've just got back into the account,

nothing immediately jumps out at me i dont have any sort of message explaining or anything like that? as i said i haven't used the discord in quite a while
sorry for the triple reply not wanting this to be classed as bu,ping, i think i see the reason i was banned now it appears my old discord had been hacked and whoever hacked it sent some links into the servers i was apart of? :oops:

if this is the reason why i do apologise for this, i can promise you my new discord is much more secure than my old one and it wont happen again :ROFLMAO:
Good evening @Macca_0709 , thanks for the response(s), please try and keep it all within one response though as it does indeed class as bumping.

You were banned for posting scam links, do you still have access to your old account or has it been deleted now?
Hello, hope all is well,

i have deleted the account completely and set up 2FA on my new discord :)

If there’s anything else you need me to do or anything like that please let me know

Can’t wait to get back into the city 😂

thanks for getting back to me
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Good afternoon @Macca_0709 , thanks for the response! :)

I have gone ahead and lifted your ban. Please ensure you take much better care of your accounts in future to avoid all of this.

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