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Unban Appeal - Paul Abdeen - GTA RP


Well-known member
United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Johnny Dick
Steam ID: 76561198202258652
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15220
Ban Reason: C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for emoting on a roof during an ongoing gunfight.
Why should we unban you: I'd like the chance to be unbanned because I've had time away from the community to reflect back on my actions to see where I went wrong / what I could've done instead and what I should do if a scenario like that ever occurs again. If a similar scene was to occur again I would take into consideration the fact that when conflict has begun, I now know that even if I don't have a direct line of sight on someone else, they may have knowledge of where I am and so emoting comes with the risk of dodging bullets and so will avoid using emotes in scenes of that nature. I fully understand why this rule is put in place, this is because it keeps the playing field equal to all parties involved which makes it enjoyable for all sides partaking in the scene and prevents exploiting the game's mechanics for an unfair advantage.

I wasn't aware of the announcement at the time but I had been told that there was a rule in place to prevent people from dodging bullets with emotes and so in my mind I thought that meant intentionally using emotes to dodge bullets that you know are being shot at you and didn't think it would be an issue to try and use the wall as cover in that way. I'm not writing this to justify my actions as I should have taken the time to read through all of the rules and be aware that what I was doing was wrong and realise that even though my intentions weren't to gain an unfair advantage, I still gained one as after I got hit by the bullet as I was emoting, the wall stopped shots that could have came after that from being able to hit me.

I've been reading through the rules to make myself more aware and to brush up on any that I didn't have a great understanding of to stop things like this from happening again in the future. With my time away I've been able to take a step back and see it from a different perspective than my own at the time and now understand why it wasn't acceptable as it's not in the spirit of RP and isn't enjoyable for anyone to have to deal with.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
All of your bans are to do with gunfights. RDMing, NLR, and now this, again, in a gunfight.

How long will it be before you're banned again after partaking in a gunfight?
Hello @Phoenix

I can assure you I do not plan on getting banned, especially because of a gunfight. Not to take anything away from my bans but sometimes people like to highlight the negatives especially when you're a gang member. Everything I've experienced has allowed me to gain knowledge and have a clear understanding of how to approach situations such as not using an emote anytime a gunfight is started.

I'm involved in many storylines and have been developing my character from the ground up and playing a leading role in the development of my group Cutlass as a senior rank. I'm in charge of a lot of the gang supplies guns and drugs, and I enjoy this line of Roleplay greatly. To put it mildly, I've dealt with the consequences of my actions over the past six months and have lost out on a tonne of role-playing opportunities. I've used this opportunity to make sure I understand the rules and that I won't end up in the appeals section again.
We looked into your history and we found that you only posted videos highlighting your gunfights (Montages), we haven't found a single video highlighting an RP story or situation.

Why is that?
Hello @OneShot

These are clips from different Roleplay situations that a friend of mine compiled that I posted for an audience outside of RPUK. That is the reason why RPUK isn't in the title or description. Although it doesn't show the server in the best of lights it's not intended to be a representation of RPUK. Primarily all of the context / RP behind these clips are provided in the videos on the Gang channel. An example being when Donny was made to shoot my character, a lot of Roleplay avenues came from that for both sides., which is still a continuing story line. In the videos on the Gang channel you can see my presence and roleplay in a lot of crucial scenes and although I may not be the main character in some of these, I try to provide an atmosphere and experience for the people I'm interacting with. When the montage was posted there was no animosity and I wasn't posting it to misrepresent the server or gloat. My friend made the montage as credited in the description and I liked the editing so I thought I'd showcase it on my Youtube channel.

I understand that montages like these can be damaging to the server, I don't have any plans on posting these sorts of things and never did with any ill-intent.

My character has been a major part in many peoples developments behind the scenes, I've spent a lot of time introducing new members to the gang life and how to operate / carry themselves, I enjoy my role as a senior in Cutlass and having the ability to inspire and take control of situations in the pursuit of RP. I've also helped introduce a lot of people to this line of roleplay and take great pride in watching people progress as role-player's.
Hello there @JJDD

The further I look into your history, the more concerning things I find... Not only your previous bans and warnings, but your attitude in OOC as well. It´s very passive aggressive, especially when things seem to not go your way. Why is that?
Hello @Sammy

I was emotionally invested in the server which naturally isn't a bad thing but at times I allowed it to cloud my judgement and only focus on the negatives of situations. In my time away from RPUK I've realised what I've built, the storylines that I've been a part of, the progression of my character and of the people around me. I understand that every situation doesn't always go your way and honestly I don't expect it to. I've made mistakes and I fully own up to them. You don't realise what you've lost until it's gone and this had made me truly appreciate all of the time I've spent on the server, all of the things that I've done and the people that I've interacted with.

I would take things personally and it's not a healthy mindset to have, I cared too much about the opinions of others or how something might effect me. I'd like the chance to return with a refreshed mindset, matured and accepting of the consequences of my previous actions. I have a lot more real life commitments now and other games / friends to maintain and so don't have the time and have grown a lot as a person, I don't want to make the game unfun for anyone and I want to be able to bring the same amount of enjoyment I'd have in scenes to the people I interact with.
If we decide to give you another chance, where would you take your rp? What steps would you take to not land yourself in this section of the forums again?

Give me one good reason to believe that you can keep your temper and bully tendencies in check and will not pull negative attention to yourself with inflammatory OOC messages/behaviour again.
I'd like to resume my position as a Cutlass senior and join in on some of the ongoing story lines that have been happening in my time away. I've been inspired watching back some of the situations that have happened and I'm really excited for the potential chance at returning and meeting all of the members that have joined while I haven't been there. I'm proud of what I've seen and seeing how other people have handled situations has helped a lot in setting an example of what I should do better and what I will do better in future. I have many old story lines that still need finishing and I'm very interested in the economy on the server which I'd like to help manage through the gun market as my character was very involved in that side of the business. I've thought about this idea for a while and I'd like to involve all of the gangs on the server in some sort of meeting and let the story play out itself, maybe everyone will come to an agreement, maybe the current conflict of gangs will hit a boiling point and cause a scene, or maybe there will be many discussions over a period of time and give every gang the opportunity to influence the economy in their own way.

I've taken the time to get a better understanding of the rules and in future, if I'm unsure about something, I will create a ticket and ask staff directly so I will know how to approach the situation. I've grown a lot as a person and I don't want to sit there arguing with people, especially not bullying them as that's not the person I want to be. If there's an issue with role-play between me and others, I'll ask for a liaison and try to resolve it, if we're unable to do that, I'll leave on good terms and submit a report if I think there has been a rule break.

My past actions do nothing to help my case but I'd like to be able to prove that this pattern of behaviour won't continue going forward and I hope my actions can show that if I'm given the chance as they will speak much louder than words will.
Here is what I will do.

It has been 5 months since your ban, so I am willing to give you a golden chance. However, I am very concerned about your involvements, past rulebreaks and attitude when it comes to gunfight scenarios.

For that reason, I will contact Kash and let him know that you are to be immediately demoted to nothing higher than a normal member for the course of 2 months. You will not make any gang decisions and you will not act in any way, shape or form as a higher up or someone in charge.

If you manage to go through that time period without any hick-ups and provide quality roleplay, it will be up to the gang lead to decide what rank you will hold from that point onwards.

Let me be very clear however - we will keep a close eye on you. Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and you will find that it will be extremely difficult for you to come back at all. Any slip up in terms of OOC behaviour, be that in OOC chat, on discord, a liaison or a report and we will show you the door.

We do not tolerate bullies and there will be no leniency.

Do you agree to these terms?
I'm happy to agree to these terms. Thank you for the swift responses and I will prove that I have a place on this server.

Do not make me regret letting you back in.