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Unban Appeal - SYN RG_UNBAN - GTA RP

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Unban Account
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tyler Francis
Steam ID: 76561199238368623
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16827
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was fairly new to RP/ the server and had combat logged
Why should we unban you: I have spent time since the ban in another well established server - [REMOVED BY STAFF] . I have learned the basics and how to play better RP. I understand how Combat Logging can effect RP because I have had this happen to me since being banned (Karmas a funny thing). It ruins the RP experience and although mine wasn't with malicious intent it still effects the player experience and I have learned from my mistakes :)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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Lets kick this off, How many times have you combat logged before this time?

Also just so you are aware I removed the server from the post due to our advertising rules, Just so you aren't confused behind the edit made to the appeal.
Never I wasn't really aware of the rule. but it seems obvious now I've played more in fairness. also given that I've read for both yours and other server rules to prevent and further violations
Wasn't the best idea to not read the rules after the ban in all honesty, Always good to read them so you have a basic understanding not just here but in general.

In relation to the combat logging, Why did you decide to do this? Walk me through what happened from the time you we're shot and why you made this decision.
I had read the rules but didn't realize there was an extended version non the less the rule is quite obvious and was still in the wrong so hold my hands up.

The reason I had CL'ed from what I can remember was due to me needing to tend to something in head, I had waited a good amount of time before doing so but time was limited therefor left the server.
Indeed, There are two sets of rules being the community rules and GTA Rules. Both are different but linked as well. GTA Rules is mainly playing the game and community rules extend from the game to all aspects here at RPUK and where most of the permanent bannable rules can be found. We don't expect everyone to remember 100% of the rules on day one for example but to have a basic understanding and the willingness to come and talk to one of the staff team should they need clarification on a rule or help understanding if something is even a rule (As there are quiet a few).

If you did have to go why not try and reach out to us? Are you even aware you could of done this and how to?
Appreciate you explaining and understanding! But regardless i can see from your point of view why it would be a issue and see it as a good thing that the server is kept at such a high standard!

I wasn't aware of it being a breach of the rules at the time so wouldn't of thought to go further or even see any wrong doing. of course in hindsight i see its a major issue. Its also good to know i can speak directly to someone about the rule set which i would like to do if unbanned. i have read the rules multiple times now and as explained have played this past month in another server so have gained a lot of knowledge about foundational rules that as a general rule of thumb apply to most servers but have a few grey areas i'd like to talk about also :)
No problem and in all honesty it's better to be informed and always come to us either on Teamspeak, Ticket on discord or ask in OOC chat. Discord tickets are easier but we have the option to talk voice to voice as well. Don't think we are a bunch of scary people who will shut you down for asking a question, If anything it's the opposite and we love to help as much as we can and where we can ^-^

I'm glad you have taken the time to read the rules during the time you haven't been able to come back. Now another question I have is can you quote the rule you broke and explain in your own words why you believe we have such a rule in place?
Great to know i'll look to exercise the when this is done :)

C2.3 - Combat Logging

CL is essentially intentionally disconnecting within a scene i.e robbery, police interaction, gang wars or any RP for the most part.

In my opinion id say this rule is set in place so it doesn't effect the fluidity of RP. Having people intentionally disconnect mids-cene would effect the immersion of the scene and in turn become an annoyance.
Indeed, In essence it does mean what you have stated and it's good you have an understanding of the rule as a result.

Now moving forth you know the ways to go about things and I do hope this isn't something that will repeat itself as well being gone on a month cooldown and then an indefinite wait time in the appeals section isn't a good time for anyone who would like to return, So lets hope it is a learning curve and I don't see you back in this section again.

With that being said I'm happy to give you another chance but please if you do have questions reach out to us and ask, Since the worst thing that can happen is being told no. You will now be able to connect back onto the server when you wish and I do hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

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