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Vehicle Mileage


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire
My suggestion is a quick and simple one.

Add mileage counters to vehicles, which would be displayed at the bottom of the screen when engine is on. Depending on the price bracket of the vehicle would be when the vehicle turns to a 'scrap vehicle'. for instance, a cheap runaround would last between 200k and 250k miles (or more depending on what devs would decide is fair) High end vehicles could last for 500k to 600k miles etc. Scrap vehicles could be sold to the scrapyard for 1/8 of the original price, or 'repaired' at AE/tire nutz/flywheels for 50% of the original price. Repairs would render your vehicle unavailable for a specified time (2 days?) and you would get the vehicle back at 20% of its total miles. (600k miles vehicle would be returned at 120k miles).

This would effect sale price of 2nd hand making it more interactive, and prompt many new vehicle sales.

pros: more vehicles would be sold as more people would just buy new vehicles, economy would de-inflate over time, garages will have waiting lists and more RP opportunities to book peoples vehicles in.

cons: dev time, people might not like that cars would become perishable with use, garages would have alot of bookings and would require limited parking system to store them in while they were being 'worked on'.