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A Guide to Gallery and IKEA

Lily Rose

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Tire Nutz
I don't know if its just me, but I always forget which table is which, what is what and how it looks. I thought I'd make a fun little post to help people out in future.


The gallery! Home of art in Los Santos


(In the most Vi voice possible) Ohhh darling, I would love a diamond necklaaace
Gyazo Album


Get the firm painting, build a shrine. You know you want to
Gyazo Album


Yo why she throwing it back like that?
Gyazo Album


Aka: Housing and Hardware!


The first category you see, containing bits and pieces of non specific variety!
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You need these to change your fit back at your house!
Gyazo Album

Tables & Shelves​

Well- they may be tables but most of us end up spending 60k on them just to make a floor and give up half way through
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Storage, where you'll probably keep your coke, that one weird evidence image and lord knows how many body parts... Its worth noting, a couple dont work as storage. I will mark these with (d) for decoration for the ones I know.
Gyazo Album


Comfy and ready for all your ER- ER uhm, needs and comfort!
Gyazo Album


Meet all your pinterest tumblr era idk whatever needs, or like me, use it to hide your clients weed plants (just make sure they're still harvestable!)
Gyazo Album


Brighten up your room, make that dog painting from the gallery finally shine. Though, there are spotlights for the end of the bed...
Gyazo Album


Oh yeah time to be Gordon Ramsey, go cook your english breakfasts that for some reason you eat with cucumber...
Gyazo Album

Food & Drink

Cups... left over take out... oh yeah this is perfect to give your apartment realism.
Gyazo Album


Lets relax, turn on the radio... would you like AM or FUUUM?!
Gyazo Album


Ah those padded walls must be for building your own assylum, oh nice it comes with a set of tools... uh- uh
Gyazo Album


Yes there is comfy office chairs for gaming...
Gyazo Album


Good for disposing takeout... bodies...
Gyazo Album


Toaster not included.
Gyazo Album
No worries!

If anyone has found I've missed any let me know. Unfortunately, not all go to the categories in the place menu that are listed, and well- vending machines + a few other bits are no longer available, so I cant list those even though people have them in their houses!