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Report a Player - berkan - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Hanz Kozlov

Active member
Altis, Greece
Your In-game name

[OX] Nicolay Newton

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Ok, so I am meeting my friends in Airport when this guy gets in our heli. We decide that we can take him with us and see what he is up to. Maybe rob him if we feel like it. We decide to take him somewhere and put him off. When we get out, we tell him to put his hands up, put he doesnt do it, so my friend knocks him down and we restrain him and put him in the heli. We chose to take him somewhere else, so we didnt get caught or anyting. Afterwards, we land again and unrestrain him, but when we get in the heli, he goes back to us in the heli. We really didnt want to kill anyone, but he was really pushing it at this point, and not valueing his life in any way. So we land again! And he gets out and goes to co-pilots seat. At thsi point, I felt like he was just trying to troll us... Afterwards, he claim that my friend knocked him down on the way into the helicopter, so he got "glitched in", witch is also shown in the video. We ask him to get out, but he cant/will not do it. We decide to take off again and solve it somewhere else. As seen in the video, he calls me "special", because we cant get him to stay away. I see this as breaking rule (1.1), witch says: "Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal." If you want to know, I looked the words "special person" in a dictionary, and it means "odd person" / "weird person". I dont think this had anything to do with roleplaying, because he was talking about our ability to handle the game mechanics. Now back to the story. We proceed to fly with him, and try to have a conversation with him. The conversation is mostly about a situation I was in with another guy called Liam Clarke. Just for some background, when I logged into the server earlier yesterday, Liam Clarke gave me 44.000.000$ in cash. It was an accident and we got around it pretty easily. Liam Clarke told me that I could keep 20% of the money I got, and that is 8.800.000$. Everything was good and I was happy to see that Liam Clarke was such a nice guy about all this. But then later when we are taking berkan hostage, berkan is telling us in the helicopter that it was his money. He also says that I stole it, because his so-called friend let me keep 20%. I tell him that he can talk to his friend later, when we were done, but he didnt want it to go that way. He is also talking about that if I dont give him my money, he will "take this further". At this point, we are at our third destination, where we are trying to get him out. He still doesnt want to get out, and I thought that he maybe was right about knock out. So I go in to RPUK ts, and talk to an admin, while my friends are talking to berkan. I believe Sonder was the admin I was talking to. I told him about the problem, and told him the rest of the story. His answar was that he couldnt help, and that I had every right to keep all the 44.000.000$ in the first place. As seen in the video, I tab back into the game, and berkan gets out of the helicopter. When he gets out we begin to get in. When we get in he says: "If you fly off, I will take this futher", "You are getting deported". At this point, he is breaking rule (2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members. Afterwards, he gets back into the helicopter AGAIN and takes controll of the helicopter. At this point I tab out of the game, and it causes it to crash, while im still talking to the admin in ts. He confirms that I got kicked off the game. Then I see that berkan is now also in the support, and I ask the admin if he could bring him in so we could talk, but he says to me that he will talk to him alone and we could talk afterwards. But I dont get to talk to him afterwards.

Overall, im reporting him for breaking these rules:
(1.1) Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal.
/ (1.2) Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal.

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members.

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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first things first I couldn't get out of the heli because I was knocked out the entire time a was asking to be pulled out because I was not able to get out my self thus asking you multiple time to pull me out but you kept ignoring I called you special because you acting like you knew what you was doing and acting abit unaware of me being glitched in your heli it was not bullying I do not understand where you got me bullying was but that was not bullying and at no point did I threaten you to report you I said that you stole my money from a government protected area and I asked for you to give it back because I was the owner and I said if you stole then you would be breaking the government law and you said my friend can keep then I said ok to your friend and at no entire point did I discriminate you or anyone there I did not do anything to harm you or your friends all I wanted to do was ask what happened with my friend liam which you said so then when you asked me to place my hands up I asked why because I had nothing and did nothing to harm you all I wanted was to speak to you that was it and you then let me go so the second I jumped in the heli I got knocked out I thought you was gonna take me back or take me somewhere but you didn't so the when I was knocked I somehow jumped in and had my vision blury the entire flight I was calling you "special" because all of your friends understood and listend when I was saying I was stuck that's why they lowered there guns to try help however you kept sticking to get out and I was trying to point at you being special because you was acting weird and not understanding anything I said I was ignoring me and saying what came to your mind first but at no point I said "I'm going to report you" and at no point did we try resolving this because you didn't even ask me to speak to you and I didn't say your getting deported I said you will get deported for stealing but you didn't hear that.

in which later I asked Sonder if I believe so and asked if someone was allowed to steal he said ok so I backed off from that situation I had no clue my friend let u keep that 20% because I thought you wasn't  not allowed to steal money in green zones me also calling you special was part of roleplay if you felt offended I'm sorry for this but you could of asked me to stop if it offended you.

I asked you if you were nicolay and you said yes then I got in your heli and asked you a question and after I did you locked it baring in mind I was inside it and you said get out but it was locked then when I said it locked you said something about kidnapping but it was in a green zone to I tried getting out but you locked it I said it but you just took off.

I didn't say "was going to report you" I was role playing saying that If you take off I will take this further and you will be deported for stealing from me I was not trying cause any issues at that point all I wanted to do was find out how there was 8mill missing for all of my friends cut for our gang base that's it.

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As I wrote, I had every right to keep the 44.000.000$, so there should not be a problem in the first place, and you should know that. But I just talked to Liam Clarke, and he can confirm that he told me to keep 20%, if you want to know.

The problem with the knockout was also that we saw you as a troll in the first place, when you jumped into the helicopter, so we had no chance to know if you were abusing game mechanics. I also want to tell you, that I am/was not the owner of the Helicopter, that you say you were knocked out in. Because at the time you were knocked out, everybody in the situation (including me) tried to pull you out, with nothing happening. I dont know if it is a game mechanic or not, that it only is the owner of the helicopter, witch can pull-out players, but that was what we thought at the time. We were not ignoring you at any point, because our first priority at the time, was to get you out of my friends helicopter, and make you leave us alone.

I also just talked to an admin (Matt), and I asked him about the game mechanic. His answar was, that you are not able to pull-out players from your helicopter, witch is not restrained. You were not restrained, so that means it is very posible, that you were abusing game-mechanics. I am still very open for other answars to this problem, like a video from you, showing your point...

Just to repeat myself, I saw no point in discussing "the problem" in the hostage-situation we were in. You should have talked to Liam Clarke at this point, and I also told you back then. I am sure you remember me questioning communication in your group. If this was very important for you, you should have given me a note that said we should talk in TeamSpeak.

You are also saying now, that you asked me my name before you got in the helicopter. It was actually several minuttes after, when we tried to get you out. We get you out and we restrain you. At this point, I took your communication devices and then you ask us: "Are any of you Nicolay by any chance". I say yes, and ask you whats up. I just want to not, that I didnt speak to you in the helicopter before you knew my name, I didnt tell you my name, I only took your communication devices. My friends were the once talking to you before. We are talking meta-gaming now, because you wouldnt have known my name in the first place. Theres is no way that you would know my name before it was shown on your screen.

I have a video here to prove my point: https://plays.tv/video/5b0425507521bf8c65/rpuk-report?from=user

Again, I really want you to send a video, that shows us your side of the story.

As I wrote, I had every right to keep the 44.000.000$, so there should not be a problem in the first place, and you should know that. But I just talked to Liam Clarke, and he can confirm that he told me to keep 20%, if you want to know.

The problem with the knockout was also that we saw you as a troll in the first place, when you jumped into the helicopter, so we had no chance to know if you were abusing game mechanics. I also want to tell you, that I am/was not the owner of the Helicopter, that you say you were knocked out in. Because at the time you were knocked out, everybody in the situation (including me) tried to pull you out, with nothing happening. I dont know if it is a game mechanic or not, that it only is the owner of the helicopter, witch can pull-out players, but that was what we thought at the time. We were not ignoring you at any point, because our first priority at the time, was to get you out of my friends helicopter, and make you leave us alone.

I also just talked to an admin (Matt), and I asked him about the game mechanic. His answar was, that you are not able to pull-out players from your helicopter, witch is not restrained. You were not restrained, so that means it is very posible, that you were abusing game-mechanics. I am still very open for other answars to this problem, like a video from you, showing your point...

Just to repeat myself, I saw no point in discussing "the problem" in the hostage-situation we were in. You should have talked to Liam Clarke at this point, and I also told you back then. I am sure you remember me questioning communication in your group. If this was very important for you, you should have given me a note that said we should talk in TeamSpeak.

You are also saying now, that you asked me my name before you got in the helicopter. It was actually several minuttes after, when we tried to get you out. We get you out and we restrain you. At this point, I took your communication devices and then you ask us: "Are any of you Nicolay by any chance". I say yes, and ask you whats up. I just want to not, that I didnt speak to you in the helicopter before you knew my name, I didnt tell you my name, I only took your communication devices. My friends were the once talking to you before. We are talking meta-gaming now, because you wouldnt have known my name in the first place. Theres is no way that you would know my name before it was shown on your screen.

I have a video here to prove my point: https://plays.tv/video/5b0425507521bf8c65/rpuk-report?from=user

Again, I really want you to send a video, that shows us your side of the story.
What are you talking about I asked you if anyone of you was Nicolay and you first said “maybe” and said “yes what happened” and which I proceeded to ask you about Liam’s case I don’t know where you are getting meta gaming from because at no point did I say you was nicolay I asked and you said yes so how is that meta gaming please tell me you had all the opportunity to say no and I would have not asked you anything else but you said yes so I don’t see how that is meta gaming.

It would be classed as meta gaming if I said yo nicolay you know... but I said is anyone of you nicolay and you said yes so if you said yes then that is not meta gaming in my eyes 

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My name comes up on your screen, several minuttes after we meet. Suddenly you ask if any of us are "Nicolay". I see where you are coming from, but its a very well timed coincidence, I must say. I only have the video to prove my point. And my answar wasnt yes, it was: "Probably, hey man, do I know you"? And you proceed to tell me I have stolen money from your friend. My answar could have been the same if "Nicolay" was my friend, my group member, leader, or just someone I know. My intention was to show my interest in the question, and not tell my name, as I didnt do. You went on to tell me that I had stolen Liam Clarkes money, without actually knowing it was me, and after all, talking about money, that I was actually given by your gang-member. I dont see how you can be so sure about my name, without having a look at my name on your screen.

You are still very welcome to put up a video...

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My name comes up on your screen, several minuttes after we meet. Suddenly you ask if any of us are "Nicolay". I see where you are coming from, but its a very well timed coincidence, I must say. I only have the video to prove my point. And my answar wasnt yes, it was: "Probably, hey man, do I know you"? And you proceed to tell me I have stolen money from your friend. My answar could have been the same if "Nicolay" was my friend, my group member, leader, or just someone I know. My intention was to show my interest in the question, and not tell my name, as I didnt do. You went on to tell me that I had stolen Liam Clarkes money, without actually knowing it was me, and after all, talking about money, that I was actually given by your gang-member. I dont see how you can be so sure about my name, without having a look at my name on your screen.

You are still very welcome to put up a video...
I'm very confused on what your trying to report for? I believe that  I didn't be racist nor discriminate or threaten to report. 

I feel as if I didn't break the rule for meta gaming because I asked and you confirmed and said "yes" like you said if it was your friend I would have asked why he stole it not you because he is claiming to be nicolay so you could have just said no like I stated and I would have said ok and not asked about my gang members incident thus understanding what happened yet you said "yes" and this continued form there.

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I cant do anything more, than giving you a video, and saying what I said. I didnt find the start of the situation so interesting, but when you were so off with your explanation, I decided to include it. This is a quote form your first reply, third stanza: "I asked you if you were nicolay and you said yes then I got in your heli and asked you a question and after I did you locked it baring in mind I was inside it and you said get out but it was locked then when I said it locked you said something about kidnapping but it was in a green zone to I tried getting out but you locked it I said it but you just took off".

This is a video of where you get in to the helicopter, and you dont say anything, and dont say anything to you either:


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I cant do anything more, than giving you a video, and saying what I said. I didnt find the start of the situation so interesting, but when you were so off with your explanation, I decided to include it: "I asked you if you were nicolay and you said yes then I got in your heli and asked you a question and after I did you locked it baring in mind I was inside it and you said get out but it was locked then when I said it locked you said something about kidnapping but it was in a green zone to I tried getting out but you locked it I said it but you just took off".

This is a video of where you get in to the helicopter, and you dont say anything, and dont say anything to you either:

bro I met you a few minutes before this situation and you said you were if I'm correct you were nicolay in a black quilin with your mates before getting into you heli which I didn't see that why I got inside and said later on are you nicolay.

mate you clearly state in your video you met me "I met that hobo" then when I get in you lock it and we go to the location then I ask if your nicolay.

and if it doesn't bother you nicolay could you please tell me what language you speak?

and if I'm correct you would be meta gaming because every hobo has the same clothes and it would be odd for you to know it was me without me speaking to you at all

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Now, I have chosen to put the video of me and my friends coming to the Airport, and getting in my helicopter WITHOUT talking to you at all:

clearly when you saw my name you had a reaction and you said "I met that hobo" so what did you say in your language because I feel like you wasn't to pleased to meet when you said "ahhhhh" and then something else in your language that I couldn't figure out. liam clarkia and I was there and we spoke to you and I said thank you for all of the money not having a clue on some was missing then this accured

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First of all, one of my friends wasnt in my gang or an ally. He is the guilly guy that walks behind you when i "react", and later get in the helicopter... And I dont say: "I met that hobo", because I am saying: "Hvem er det der er hobo", witch means: "Who is it, that is hobo". Because I actually thought you were one of us when you came over. Then I say: "ahhhhh, if that guy is getting in the helicopter, im gonna rob him so hard". You may know how it is, when people get in to your helicopter randomly:)

And yes, I wasnt pleased to see you at all... I hate when people get in to my helicopter randomly;)

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First of all, one of my friends wasnt in my gang or an ally. He is the guilly guy that walks behind you when i "react", and later get in the helicopter... And I dont say: "I met that hobo", because I am saying: "Hvem er det der er hobo", witch means: "Who is it, that is hobo". Because I actually thought you were one of us when you came over. Then I say: "ahhhhh, if that guy is getting in the helicopter, im gonna rob him so hard". You may know how it is, when people get in to your helicopter randomly:)
why are you lying my bro in the video the first thing you say is "I met that hobo"

I want you to pinpoint where you think I say that I met you.

The weird part is also, that when I talked to Liam Clarke, he told me, he wasnt with you when we dealt with the money problem. From where should I know you?

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I want you to pinpoint where you think I say that I meet you.

The weird part is also, that when I talked to Liam Clarke, he told me, he wasnt with you when we dealt with the money problem. Form where should I know you?
at 3.42 you say "I met that hobo"

liam was there If you could possibly ss the chat you had with him

3.42 say nic "hvem er det der er hobo"  this Is Danish and mens  [COLOR=rgba(255,255,255,.701961)]who is the hobo[/COLOR]  

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