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Report a player - Police - GTA RP

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Active member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Ronald Trapp

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Police

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/30/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2130

What best describes this incident ?: G2.4

Please (in detail) describe the incident: So me & a group of friends was out & about on the rob seeing who or what we could bump into. we end up splitting up because we had to go see another friend & so on & then around i'd say 20 or so minutes later one of the boys (frank) calls us either on radio or phone (cant fully remember) to say they was at life invader & needed some assistance as police had turned up.

when we arrived at life invader there was a few people outside & a abandoned police car with no officer in sight, then another officer pulls up to what looks like securing the police vehicle as it was left with no officer. so we pull our guns (as we was out on the rob & franks first call was to help with police) & demand him not to touch the panic button & to put his hands up, but he does nothing more than press the panic button resulting in what i believe the rule G2.4 was broken.

I have a longer clip if needed.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes


@Ronnie trappwould you happen to have a video with a session ID visible of that player you are reporting?

Good evening @Slawek

Unfortunately not, I do normally catch Session ID's but as police was already high alert around the city & the officer pressing the panic button i just wanted to get out of there sharp as we had a minor shootout with police earlier in the day.

I have watched the clip back & you can see the officer don't go down either as you can see him running behind the wall after the car had run him over so i'm guessing there would be nothing in logs either.

Thank you for your time & having a look over this.

Happy new year also 🙂

Hello, this is me. If you look in the bottom left of your screen, you're not talking in game, hence why I didn't hear you say "Don't press your panic". The only thing I heard was "Put your hands up" from your friend - which I did. There was a lot of noise, cars crashing behind and chatter on the radio. I was expecting a call to Liaison, but there wasn't anything, so thought nothing more. 

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Good evening @Vinnythankyou for your reply,

You've made a very good point, driving up to life invader my buddy said I was echoing a little & to switch to push-to-talk but I don't normally use this so I wouldn't have thought to press it during the moment.

I also apologize for not trying to get you to come to QE afterwards but from the above I hope you understand I was still in the sit until it would of been to late to ask in ooc which officer was which.

Thank you for your response & I hope you have a lovely new year 🙂 


Hi @Ronnie trapp

No worries, I was a little confused during the situation as I hadn't heard anyone say "don't press your panic", just "put your hands up".

All good though. If you had said it, I would have followed your demands as I know how annoying it can be. 

All the best and Happy New Year 🙂 

Okay, let's have a look at this then.

To start off, i think @Vinnyalready pointed out the main thing, you were not speaking at all. With that being said, let's remember that in situations like that common sense should be applied. If you are being robbed, with a few guns pointed at you, pressing your panic button is not the smartest idea, especially whilst you are out of the car right in front of them, they will know what's up and will not be fans of it and you will likely end up in trouble. For that you will be getting a warning due to your clean record and due to what's about to follow.

Now, @Ronnie trapp, to be quite honest the first thing i saw when watching the video of the report, other then the NVL, was the roleplay you tried giving before shooting, or rather lack thereof, even forgetting the fact the mic was off, let's assume that would be what you would have said. All you said was "put your hands up, don't move you're dead, press the button you're dead" and then started shooting. To put it simply, that is horrible, if this is how each robbery you take part goes down then that is not acceptable, keep in mind this is a roleplay server, the interaction is meant to be fun for both sides, this just shows the approach of "say the bare minimum, get them to get their hands up, take their stuff, get away" or the "vending machine" mentality and in this case RDM aswell. In this situation there is no fun the other person gets out of this, they just lose their stuff. I do find this approach of yours very surprising, considering your last ban, where you combat logged because you were frustrated, and now this roleplay could cause the same result for other players, pure frustration.

Action taken:

@Vinny 98409 -G2.4 - Warning

@Ronnie trapp99163 - G1.2 - Permanent ban as per unban conditions

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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