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Server Restart Needed - Skiddy Strike

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PC Corkill

Well-known member
Chasing you
Server needs a restart ASAP.

Script ran which made everyone restrain themselves. Hundreds of domes placed in Kavala.

Player menus perpetually on screen. I had just rented 4 karts for a public race event too.

Did get an error saying 54321.sqf before it kicked in, so presume the hacker was gone before we were effected.

I quiet enjoyed roleplaying that aliens had invaded and we had to evac the civ's to the airport. Which T-Robot successfully done while a few of us cleared up shooting there weak point being the ATV's.

I quiet enjoyed roleplaying that aliens had invaded and we had to evac the civ's to the airport. Which T-Robot successfully done while a few of us cleared up shooting there weak point being the ATV's.
Actually i arrived to Athira a few minutes before restart and hell was going loose, i ran inside the HQ and jumped to the ground in an attempt to not be killed by aliens.

Wrong forum, moving to denied however this is a very old post *face palm*... need to keep up with this forum section :)

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