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Unban Appeal - Cal woods - GTA RP

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Cal woods

Unban Appeal for Cal woods 

In-game Name: Cal Woods

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198847120144

Ban ID: !!rpuk11139!!

Reason given for your ban:  C2.3 - combat logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Due to me struggling with bills and rent my power went off while I was dead on the floor again this is my fault as I should of paid for my electric.

Why should we unban you ?: I would love the chance to get unban due to my love for this roleplay server it has gave me many exiting times and I would be devastated if I could not continue with that progress I do apologise that this has happened and I would just love the chance to get back into the community and continue my characters life. Again I am really sorry and if you guy's could just give me this last chance that would be awesome
- Cal!

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


(***I have waited the ONE MONTH COOLDOWN already***)

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Your power did not go out and both you and I know that. 
If you are not willing to put proper effort into your appeals and then lie to us, we will not entertain this. 

You can try again once another month has passed. Come back after 24/02/2023.

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