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Banning of voice changers...

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Well-known member
If you can't be bothered to role-play a different voice in order to hide your identity, don't get up to activities where you don't want people recognizing your voice. 

Seriously low effort.

I partially agree and disagree with this suggestion, my points for this being ;

A) I’ve seen some people that have successfully used voice changers in the past to a high degree of roleplay therefore going out of the way to ban the use of it seems a bit extreme, it is a vital tool to some people to disguise their voice.

B) Voice changers can be obtained in real life so removing this element isn’t necessary, say you want to to a high profile crime where you do not want to be identified by your voice.

C) The one part here where I can agree with you is when people decide to roleplay a female, I don’t understand why some will choose to rp as a female but continue to use their normal male voice, but get offended when someone calls them a lady boy or something (Not being discriminating) just stating how I see it. 
I believe a voice changer can help in this regard change your pitch or volume of voice to actually make you a female if you wish to rp as one. 

I don’t necessarily agree with banning voice changers but I do agree in the aspect of people should at least attempt to form a way of creating accents or different voices for their characters as it something you do not see enough.

I partially agree and disagree with this suggestion, my points for this being ;

A) I’ve seen some people that have successfully used voice changers in the past to a high degree of roleplay therefore going out of the way to ban the use of it seems a bit extreme, it is a vital tool to some people to disguise their voice.

B) Voice changers can be obtained in real life so removing this element isn’t necessary, say you want to to a high profile crime where you do not want to be identified by your voice.

C) The one part here where I can agree with you is when people decide to roleplay a female, I don’t understand why some will choose to rp as a female but continue to use their normal male voice, but get offended when someone calls them a lady boy or something (Not being discriminating) just stating how I see it. 
I believe a voice changer can help in this regard change your pitch or volume of voice to actually make you a female if you wish to rp as one. 

I don’t necessarily agree with banning voice changers but I do agree in the aspect of people should at least attempt to form a way of creating accents or different voices for their characters as it something you do not see enough.
What real life voice changer are you buying and using when robbing someone at knife point? They even exist?!

The term "high degree of roleplay" seems like a very subjective term nowadays. 

I just feel any use of additional software to hide your identity is exploitation, plain and simple. 

But your thinking, has me thinking that perhaps our experiences have just been different, and we could potentially both be correct 😛 

What real life voice changer are you buying and using when robbing someone at knife point? They even exist?!
Meant more in the aspect when robbing banks, rather than petty crimes 🤣, as in masks with built in voice changers, or phone calls in the larger aspect.

The term "high degree of roleplay" seems like a very subjective term nowadays. 
I can agree with you highly on this, it’s a whole mentality a lot of people struggle with these days, to be quite honest with you it reminds me of the Arma 3 mentality as a whole. 

Roleplaying as my main Nikki I need to use a voice changer. As I use 50% voice changer and also 50% doing things physically with my own voice such as slowing down, cadence and thinking how and what I say. So a VC adds that little extra help. Its not all 100% just a voice changer. Its taken a long time for me to become confident to RP as Nikki and I have had my fair share of call outs and comments but I ignore them. I'm not hiding who I am or trying to trick anyone, I just feel happier roleplaying as Nikki and just being her.

I somewhat see your point as a lot of people can just turn one on and that's not their main RP characters voice But if that's always been their voice with a VC then that should be fine.

But banning them out right would leave myself and a lot of others not being able to play any longer.  -1

I have a very recognisable voice. 3 of my characters I simply use different accents but at the end of the day I get asked the question if I am his or his cousin daily. On my fourth character I've never had this issue since I use a voice changer. If people would stop trying to identify people by voice even though it's clearly a different character it would be a lot easier. Added to that a lot of people, even "veterans" that have been here for years apparently have a lot of issues with character seperation. So no, I don't think they should be banned. However the manner in which they are used should be regulated. Having your typical roadman accent with a -20 pitch just to have a character that you can rob on is not good rp, even though it happens a lot. That issue needs to be solved but this isn't the solution.

Afaik voice changers are allowed for those who want to roleplay consistently as a different character, such as a Wanyama or others but I am certain that I was told, if you are doing it purely to mask your own voice for the mean time - You should wear an appropriate mask, that you could get a chunky device under and over your mouth. Using one without a mask, or a simple cloth balaclava is immersion breaking and is not allowed. 

If you can't be bothered to role-play a different voice in order to hide your identity, don't get up to activities where you don't want people recognizing your voice. 

Seriously low effort.
Banning voice changers?, no.

Making it so you can't switch between voice changer and regular voice on the same character and in doing so results in a ban, yes.

I can imagine if voicechangers become "banned" people are gonna find other solutions, like for example not talking to get ID’d. Which would make things worse tbh. 

Banning voice changers?, no.

Making it so you can't switch between voice changer and regular voice on the same character and in doing so results in a ban, yes.
Yeah this is what I meant, my poorly worded suggestion doesn't convey that lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllol

i mean the current stance on voice changers are somewhat simple either you

A: pick a voice and stick to it(like wanyamas as Liam mentioned)


B: you put on a mask that covers your mouth and do it

I can imagine if voicechangers become "banned" people are gonna find other solutions, like for example not talking to get ID’d. Which would make things worse tbh. 
I do that in certain situations 😂

However as long as the voice changer is used to produce believable roleplay or used constantly to establish the character I personally don't see a big issue with. 

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Looks like a rule suggestion. Personally, a voice changer used correctly aids roleplay

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