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Has Rockstar said anything about when real car will be removed/have to be removed?


Los Santos Police
The Wonderful Land Of Yorkshire
what's going to happen with all the vehicles like the police, fire , nhs etc? 

The entire fleet of all factions has to change unfortunately 😔

what's going to happen with all the vehicles like the police, fire , nhs etc? 
Whats CFX says is what is happening. Focus right now is to make sure the factions have a replacement. This work is time consuming and high priority. I have recently seen some off the work and its looking great!

When it comes to Civilian owned vehicles, still pending a decision from the top. We have some ideas but we have not decided yet.

Afaik, CFX has not yet made contact with us but we are monitoring this closely.

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Bet its a massive job! Cant wait to see the new faction cars!

Whats CFX says is what is happening. Focus right now is to make sure the factions have a replacement. This work is time consuming and high priority. I have recently seen some off the work and its looking great!

When it comes to Civilian owned vehicles, still pending a decision from the top. We have some ideas but we have not decided yet.

Afaik, CFX has not yet made contact with us but we are monitoring this closely.
will they still be British themed ? that's the main thing I like about this server is the theme 

How dare you
