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Report a bug - Donny - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Donnly Donald
Steam ID: 76561198121574490
Date: May 1, 2024
Time: 00:00
Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: forced first person aim on foot
Provide a full description of the bug: Randomly get forced to aim in first person whilst on foot, cannot switch to third person and nothing I've tried seems to fix it. Once this happens I'm forced to constantly aim in first person. Typically only happens after being in a vehicle even if I don't pull a weapon. Happens to me on a regular basis and has been happening for a few weeks. This includes melee weapons when locking onto a target and not just guns.
Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The Bug:
I've found it seems to just be random, Next time it happens to me I'm gonna have a loot at the F8 and see what its saying maybe something comes up there but idk, just seems to be really random, For example I was just on the server for about 30 mins, Didn't do anything but spawn a car drive the car come back and park the car and it started happening, I didn't go into First person once and idk I'm really not sure why or how it happens.

Tbh I wouldn't even mind it if the first person in GTA wasn't so shit XD

My only theory is that its something connected with the cars and the First person shooting although it still happens when I've not aimed a gun in a car nor have I gone into first person in a car, its a weird one.
I believe this occurs when you have been in first crouch and then pull out a weapon! I have found plugging in a controller and changing view stops the bug!
I believe this occurs when you have been in first crouch and then pull out a weapon! I have found plugging in a controller and changing view stops the bug!
Interesting, I'm gonna have to try it out next time it happens cheers
Crouching then aiming seemed to fix this for me.
Crouch, keep aiming whilst you uncrouch
Already has been fixed for a future update.
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