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Ability To Toggle Neons.

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Well-known member
Just a suggestion for the CAPS wheel vehicle section and or maybe a keybind we can set ourself, to be able to toggle off neons.

This is available on GTA online via the interaction menu, so I feel like this would be a good addition to the server with the ability to toggle them when desired.

This would come as a good move for car meets, night time cruising and i’m sure there is a plethora of good reasons of which this could come from.

Not sure if this has been a previous suggestion, i did have a look but didn’t come across any so i decided to make my own. 

- The ability to have neons but not permanently turned on.

- The ability to hide in the dark without the neons exposing your position.

- Can’t really think of any.

To add to this, maybe add the ability to choose where you want to have the neon; Front/Back, Sides and All. As you can in normal GTA. Maybe even RGB neons 👀

To add to this, maybe add the ability to choose where you want to have the neon; Front/Back, Sides and All. As you can in normal GTA. Maybe even RGB neons 👀
I love the thought of being able to choose where your neons are placed!. Also the idea of RGB neons is good too, I was going to add this In to my original suggestion as I have seen RGB neons before and they look great.This adds in more vehicle customisations and more RP scenarios i.e with them being illegal

More customisation is always good, there are always certain situations you may want/not want neons. +1

100% agree, having to go inside of ls customs just to disable my neons and then needing to buy them back is a bit annoying 


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