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Compensation Request - ThePenguin - GTA RP


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
The Arctic

Character Name: Locke Cobblestone
Character ID: 95091
Steam ID: 76561198180356339
Game: GTA RP
Date: Apr 10, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: I was placing some crates into a truck and someone was helping me by passing the crates to me. I took out the crate i had just put in to shift click it in instead but when i did so my friend also passed me the crate he had picked up. The crate he had just given me replaced the one i just grabbed from the inventory of the truck and thus the one I picked up from the truck has vanished and so did it's contents.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/26x0wYJHbKwNTC/d1337d6HIC85?invite=cr-MSxuT2IsMjAwNjE1OTQyLA
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 1 crate and 250 Titanium bars
: Yes
Good morning @ThePenguin
I hope we are well today?

From the clip you've provided, it does appear to have, well 'disappeared'. However, it doesn't show us what you had in that box - And have you scrolled down the inventory of the truck, perhaps it went to the bottom somewhere?
Good evening.
Doing well, hope you are too.

I've checked the mule a few times but that crate just isnt there. As for the clip of what's in there I don't actually have one.
Good morning @ThePenguin
Thank you for patiently waiting for me to get back to you.

After looking into a few things, I can indeed confirm the box, along with its contents have vanished. Therefore, this request is APPROVED.
So, you shall receive the following;

X 250 Titanium Bars
X 1 Crate (Or Equivalent in Cash)

If you’re unsure how to claim your compensation you can follow our Claiming Your Compensation guide.