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Fat Martin

Barry Bones

Active member
Been RPing last few days with @Martin Brown. Just wanted to say this lad definitely deserves a shoutout on here as His quality is absolutely top notch both on his Martin Biker character as well as his Swedish character. Genuinely thought his Swedish character was a local the other day when I saw it until he started interacting with me 😆😆😆. Honestly though keep it up had us and Nobles Chris in stitches with that. +1

-1 Swedish and can't RP.

Dont you insult my fellow swede!

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I've only had brief encounters with Martin, but yet he has managed to impress me with all the little things he does. 
Good job Martin, keep up the good rp 🙂 

we love big martin, we do,

we love big martin, we do.

we love big martin, we do - OH MARTIN WE LOVE YOU. 

here is a blast from the past -

