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Fuel Pumps at Trucking Depo

Running in the 90's
I would like to Suggest that some fuel pumps are added at or closer to the Trucking depo. Ive seen many time the issue that a truck will be close to running out of fuel due to how thirsty the rentable trucks are so you have to make a decision deliver the trailer back to the depo and probably breakdown or go get fuel and more than likely time out of your job as the nearest station is the one near marabunta turf.
It is also more true to life as an employer would have fuel available to a driver at the depo for efficiency.
Although having it in the Depo may cause more traffic so possible use one of the adjacent buildings that have an empty yard a

Pros: streamlining a common problem in the truck delivery job and adding some more realism aswell as some more interaction when multiple people are fuel at the same time.
Cons: requires Devs to add pumps to the area and may cause increased traffic
-1, there's no need. There's plenty petrol stations on the way. There's no pumps and taxi rank or food delivery hub either.
That can legitimately be the difference between making it back on time and failing with some of the jobs
then suggest putting the delivery times up because it is not possible to drive by the rules and perhaps fill up without getting penalty's.

I am not trying to be rude. Just trying to talk about it.
+1. I like the idea and seems to suit real life. However, I would suggest it's owned by the COC/Government and is a little more pricey than other fuel stations, sorta like a last resort. Money made can go back into city budgets. Would also suggest that it doesn't require fuel deliveries, otherwise it would be a 20 second job.
-1, there's no need. There's plenty petrol stations on the way. There's no pumps and taxi rank or food delivery hub either.
I see your point but those jobs are fundamentaly different mechanically,

taxi is untimed therefore is irrelevant you can stop whenever without penalty

Food delivery you only deliver you dont have bring anything back to the restaurant meaning you just grab fuel and then get a job from your caps menu never having to return to the restaurant on time

The point im making is that due to you having to return the trailer you are still on the clock and those trucks take a a bit of time to fill their large tanks It is difficult to deliver, fuel your truck and then get back even when breaking road laws
Why is there even a timer in those Jobs anyway. Theres no point i can see that is beneficial to trucking Jobs having a timer ticking
+1. I like the idea and seems to suit real life. However, I would suggest it's owned by the COC/Government and is a little more pricey than other fuel stations, sorta like a last resort. Money made can go back into city budgets. Would also suggest that it doesn't require fuel deliveries, otherwise it would be a 20 second job.
While not being supportive of the idea, I do think if this were to be implemented it should be a high price (15-20 per liter) and it should be a moneysink.
While not being supportive of the idea, I do think if this were to be implemented it should be a high price (15-20 per liter) and it should be a moneysink.
I would cap it at around 10 personally otherwise you are gonna be spending about 12k a fill at which point its more money effective to return your current truck and rent a new truck which
you do know with trucking you deliver to fuel stations. So after the delivery just hop out the truck and fuel up your truck up. Most deliverys are next to the fuel pumps
Why is there even a timer in those Jobs anyway. Theres no point i can see that is beneficial to trucking Jobs having a timer ticking
I do kinda feel having the timer if anything pushes people to drive more dangerously, taking short cuts instead of turns, not stopping unless they absolutely have to, totaling peoples cars. In general i do think timers just force players to drive more unrealistically cause they have that fear they will run out of time.
Personally I feel like the timer just needs to be increased or removed in general, the amount of times I've just been sent by a truck or try to pull over a truck but they just drive away because they need to do it in time, kind of forces them to drive like assholes so I feel like just increasing the timer or removing it will probably help fix that issue.

Also lets be honest the trucking depot gets WILD at certain times and is awful to be around with everyone trying to speed run getting their tanker and leaving asap, adding a refuel spot their would probably just INCREASE the chaos with people being lined up to refuel no body will be able to do anything cause the yard will be filled with trucks waiting to fuel up.

Overall increase/remove the timer and it wont be an issue and wont be a need to add a fuel stop at/near the depot cause people will have that extra time to make sure they are fully fuelled up!
Just stumbled over this thread. Its not fuel pumps but the time will be extended or somehting else done.