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Gang Suggestion | Engraved Pistols.

M.B.G - Luke

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Fudge Lane
Now we all know gun crafting isnt possible for gangs but i do think the "Gang Engraved M1911S" should be brought back in some way.

Now i dont know how this could be re implemented but i do think its something cool to re have in the city where gangs will have the option somehow to get a gun which is engraved with the desired gang

Pros: Its great rp and (feature in the game) to have guns that are engraved with your gangs markings on it

Cons: Potentially finding a way to get it back in but would be great to see it again

Open to any views and thoughts on this :)
I think when an engraved gun 'breaks' it should leave behind a 'shell' that you can add to the crafting recipe next time you created the same gun to make the new gun engraved, like a kind of recycle system.
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
tbf that is a much better idea
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
I like this idea! +1
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
Just make it so gangs can craft engraved mags, this would also re add engraves to the server and bring the meta of marky, rev's and deagles down a bit, might see some fights with smaller guns if they are more available to the gangs.
Don't wanna sound like a cunt but no one in gangs as even really replied to this suggestion other than luke and neb (As far as i am aware).
I personally think bringing back blueprints is the way to go it was something that worked and many people still confused why it got removed in the first place and i feel like most of the people in the community kinda of agree with that tbh.

Tbh i didn't even know this feature got removed in the first place.
As someone who used to be in a whitelisted gang, there is fuck all to do. The reason i stayed in it for so long was because i found other ways to make my own fun, i also was hoping the gang update was going to come out soon but 2 years later and it hasn't. I do agree gangs need something unique, each gang needs to have control over something and that also creates a roleplay reason for gangs to not war. For Example "I don't think its a good idea shooting mara we lose our access to XYZ". As much as I would love to see gangs have the ability to make there own engraved again i personally think it would just result in the external groups which have been put in place to control the gun market loosing most of there power and people will start to care less about there relationship with that said group. There is defiantly ways around it but each gang having the ability to craft the same gun but just in a different colour imo isn't the solution, make the gangs unique
As someone who used to be in a whitelisted gang, there is fuck all to do. The reason i stayed in it for so long was because i found other ways to make my own fun, i also was hoping the gang update was going to come out soon but 2 years later and it hasn't. I do agree gangs need something unique, each gang needs to have control over something and that also creates a roleplay reason for gangs to not war. For Example "I don't think its a good idea shooting mara we lose our access to XYZ". As much as I would love to see gangs have the ability to make there own engraved again i personally think it would just result in the external groups which have been put in place to control the gun market loosing most of there power and people will start to care less about there relationship with that said group. There is defiantly ways around it but each gang having the ability to craft the same gun but just in a different colour imo isn't the solution, make the gangs unique
This is imo the ideal thing james but like you said yourself is highly unlikely to happen hence why i am focusing more on the content that is currently in place or easier to change.
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
"but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity". Exactly what Jack Said!
i wouldn't mind them back

but i would also not mind the melee weapon stuff
Give every gang a unique melee, like the hustler bat, instead of a way to engrave guns would be better imo. Nobody is noticing what colour your gun is when getting shot from across the street, but everyone would notice getting their head split open with a cutlass machete and it would give gangs more identity.

The engraved pistols have been out for long enough for them to be somewhat rare now, and I think it should stay that way honestly - look at something new, instead of re-adding something that was removed.
I like the idea but for instance if people were to be robbed, and they go around shooting/stabbing people this can cause a lot of issues for the gang. And i know for a fact people will only complain to then remove this idea again
I like the idea but for instance if people were to be robbed, and they go around shooting/stabbing people this can cause a lot of issues for the gang. And i know for a fact people will only complain to then remove this idea again
RP issue