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Gang Themed Baseball Bats / Melee Weapons

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary:

Gang themed melee weapons / like Baseball bats.

Detailed Suggestion:

With the whole meta changing recently with guns etc, and we have noticed fights with gangs with purely non guns, Grove Vs Ballas for instance and Vagos Vs Apostles, wouldn't it be great to have something in place where we could have our own Baseball bats / melee weapons, Like a Ballas Baseball bat or stuff like that, to make these more "interesting" and kind of like little collector item and give us an incentive to use 

The Pros:

Would look better having gangs in their clothing with their own gang melee weapon
Might bring some of the melee weapon meta back rather than guns guns guns all the time

rather than people always standing around with guns they could have their baseball bats out and to the new people of the city might change their perspective of rather than everyone getting  quick to pull the trigger or have a gun.

Could be a nice reward for like gangs to give out to "a prospect who just ranked up and is getting his jacket and is rewarded with the weapon to"

The Cons:

Non gang people probably think gangs are getting stuff as usual

Finding a way to make them / craft them, what would they need to do and how the city would implement them

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? no


Definitely a good idea, it doesn't cause an imbalance on the server and can be used as a reward for Loyalty in a gang, Does this mean that other players would get jealous seeing the Custom wrap and try and rob you for it constantly?

Great idea would also make non gang members try rob them off you then maybe they can sell it too a rival gang for them too make a profit ... lots a good roleplay too be done with them

After using them all day yesterday definitely something I'd like to see. Fighting other gangs whilst still being able to have a laugh more enjoyable than the gun fighting 100%

Love seeing all these comments, every time I get one of these ideas when it comes to writing I forget like a million things 😞 

As you guys know the server is very dependent on gangs (Turf and non turf gangs). Having colors on cars and clothing is very important to people to show their identity. The option to have colored weapons would make people more interested in owning and using said melee weapons. Here are some ideas:

1. Tint option in Ammunation. Currently you cant really change the tint of the weapons you want to buy even though the option is there. This feature could be used to proceed with this idea. 

2. Respray option in Ammunation. Just like how you can respray cars, maybe you can tint your weapon in ammunation for a price.

3. Melee Blueprints. Just like how you have blueprints for engraved pistols, maybe have blueprints for melee weapons as well and gangs can use their weapons bench to recolor their weapons. This would however be a gang only option because of blueprints and weapons bench. Unless the server introduces an NPC that sells color blueprints that is accessible to anyone and they can use the public bench to craft them. 

I also found some examples while googling meaning it might be possible.





This is a good idea. The crafting recipes could be a spray can and a baseball bat, or something along those lines. Makes those who aren't in a gang have a collection of bats from every gang, which is what I'll personally try to get 🙂

Great idea. I also agree they should be craftable by the gangs with different recipes etc.. the more the better tbh for example a newly accepted prospect could get his bat but someone who is like a right hand or senior could be rewarded with a gang engraved blade or something similar.

Would also give the gangs more reason to carry Melee over guns for every day encounters on turf etc.

This is overall a good idea, perhaps different gangs could receive different weapons based on their theming, for example the Ballas and GSF could receive baseball bats since some of their locals' clothing is based on sports teams and gangs themed around cartels like Aztecas and Marabunta could receive things like machetes. I'm sure with some digging and good thinking you could come up with fitting weapons for all the other gangs aswell.

This is overall a good idea, perhaps different gangs could receive different weapons based on their theming, for example the Ballas and GSF could receive baseball bats since some of their locals' clothing is based on sports teams and gangs themed around cartels like Aztecas and Marabunta could receive things like machetes. I'm sure with some digging and good thinking you could come up with fitting weapons for all the other gangs aswell.
And we receive bibles ? 

Good suggestion

Crafting idea:

Bat from Ammunation + Turg gang spray can --> That gang emblem on the bat or the color, w/e

Blueprint steel and wood for bladed weapons 

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