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Goodbye fuck you all <3 [Don't remove cos I said "Fuck you all" I meant it in a nice way


In a digger
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Bye Jamie, it was the wrong Bosh but ill forgive you ❤️

You tagged Jolly, but not me &lt;&lt; WTF?! Hope you return in the future tho ❤️ Be safe xo

@Gray@Yello@KeirT@Warwick @Maverick Delta@B0sh @AlexBear@foxyy@Cristi@Jasonhk @Magic Mike@DCC LastNickLeft you all smell really bad like honestly smh

Love you

RIP Hammie/Tesco Express 2018-2021 

I have greasy hair like @KeirT

Don't play anymore bye

@Jollyyour not funny 

Bring back Grove Street most of them were good boys 

Don't remove this post cos I said Keirt has greasy hair plz xxxx
HAMMIE ❤️ I still remember these old Magnum Coast Days... have a good one

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Sad to see you go man but remember GROVE ON TOP

Fuck off then don't let the door hit you on the way out.. hope you fall in a gravel pit.😗

Lotta love mate, you will be missed, all the best señor quarry man. xx


Not being funny like but where the fuck is my tag, i'm actually fuming
