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Got banned for firing a few shots?

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Was running around in a city, 5 minutes before a restart, so i thought id just fire off a few shots for fun, not killing anyone. Then i got banned. I see no reason to get banned because the server was restarting in about 2 seconds. 

Firing within a town is against police rules, but not server rules. 
There must have been more to your story, no?

If there was more to it, explain the situation in full and I'm sure you will get un-banned. 

To further what I mean is this:

The Admin does not get notifications for bullets that leave barrels, so it couldn't be as simple as you firing a few shots innocently. 
If you were firing at someone randomly, or perhaps killed someone randomly (RDM) then it would make sense that someone messaged the Admin and THEN you were banned. 
If that is the case, learn the rules and apologize, then get back in the game and enjoy yourself. 

I guess your character doesn't have a rebel license. Having guns in cities is only tolerated if you are a player with a rebel license. Thus, using that firearm, regardless whether you hit someone or not, is considered RDM.

No i did not have rebel license, and i didnt actually kill anyone. Me and a mate just fired a few shots in the air, then i talked to some people in the area, shot some buildings (which were empty). Me and my mate did encounter a guy who was sitting in a car in the street, and we talked to him a little. While we didnt mean any harm, he (the guy in the car) may have perceived it as threatening (We also suspect that guy was an admin, but we're not so sure)

While i do understand the concern, i think its a little extreme to get banned for doing a (nearly) harmless thing right before a server restart. I'm not saying it should be full-on anarchy when a server restart is about to occur, but it should be allowed to mess around a little bit, since there's no point of doing anything else

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Idle in the un-ban request channel in TS, I will get to you when I find the time and unban you then.

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