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Incapacitated following serious motorcycle accident, need help paying for house.



On sunday 9th of July I had a mad off on my motorcycle. It's resulted in a full left hip rebuild, full pelvic rebuild, full left forarm and wrist rebuild. Over 12hr op then 3hrs for skin graft on my inner forearm. Should see my inner forearm its knarly lol.

I've been home a week and half but limited to living on our sofa as unable to walk due to no weight bearing for at least 2 more months and no use of left hand likely for upto 4 months. Hoping with physio i can manage bit of keyboard sooner.

My worry is loosing my house.

I should have the funds in my bank to pay but unable to get to pc to do it.

My partner has no clue about gta or rp and is worried she will get me banned if a situation occurs on the way to the house and she fails rp etc as she doesnt know the controls and hates talking on mic.

Is there anyway I can be helpped please?

Thank you very much. My character name is Ravin Seamen.




hope you get better soon and staff can sort out the IC house issue.

Damn. I had one myself about 6 years ago, but not as bad. I wish you a speedy recovery mate.

I'll sort the house with Nikolai in a ticket.
Don't worry about that one

Wishing you a fast and full recovery! 🤞

Hi everyone, really appreciate the kind words and the help with the house!

Miss being able to get on the server but will do as soon as I can!

Again, thank you fof the help.

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Hi folks, as an update... went in for routine xrays turns out I was discharged with a fragmented hip socket which allowed the fema up and out the back of the hip socket and up the side of my body.

That means all the weeks I've been home my hips been dislocated and up the side of my body. My left leg was 2 inches shorter than the right lol. I kept asking before discharge is this huge lump on my side ok, is my hips not being level right when stood up, my leg being 2 inches shorter cant be right and this feeling of my leg needing pulling down all the tine... is it normal. To be told sometimes yea depends on swelling or how they did things.

When specialist see my xray he was in shock, ran off to get head of dept and the guy that did the work. He looked at it, turned to me and said not good news you are not going home.

In the pic i attatched the circle is the hip socket they repaired, the arrow pointing to the fema (ball) that should be down and in that circle lol.

Got me a bed on the ward and full hip replacement 2 days later... 

Been home a day now. It'd technically better in that I can stand and weight bare already so using frame to walk slowly for a long as I can around the living room.

But where they have had to cut in to freshly healed/scarred tissue and muscle it is so tender, sore and achy. He said be a lot worst than normal.

Think I became so swollen they left the would open a bit as I have a pico 7 vacuum dressing on it till healed.

Fun times but least it done properly now.

Vigina arm looking better now, hand movements really improved thanks to doing loads of lego while in and out of hospital. Been great physio. Gone from no movement at all to thumb touching all finger tips and able to grip and lift light objects.

Can't wait to be able to get back to buzzing about the city.


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Jesus how did they miss that in the first place. smh

Hope you get well soon.
