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Lockable Crates (portable storage)


Well-known member
Brief Summary:

The ability to purchase a padlock or pinlock from store and lock portable storage i.e Briefcases, Dufflebags, Storage Crates ect.

Detailed Suggestion:

Given the wide range of usage for portable storage like briefcases and storage crates, I find a lot of people using them in shared storage or carrying them on their person (mining/smelting). For additional security and further RP. I'd like to imagine buying a padlock or pinlock from a general store and just hovering it over the storage to then input a pin or just simply unlock. The storage crate could then show a locked icon to indicate it has a lock on it in your inventory. This can be countered by criminals with lockpicks to actually have to break into crates and take futher risk in taking crates.

The Pros:

More security for legal workers.
More security for individuals using shared storage.
Further RP in the event somebody carrying a briefcase being kidnapped and tourtured for the pin.

The Cons:

Dev Work to add and involve a locking system for the crates
I'd imagine bug fixes as they're gradually found.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

I'd like to think this suggestion will change the meta of people robbing smeltery/mines as it adds an extra step for the criminals.

I've just noticed this has been suggested before recently by Shire. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/portable-storage-locks.423949/
would love to see this implemented!!!
+1 but keep it to a 3/4 pin max so they can be taken and broken into in RP rather than just having it completely locked forever with an 8 pin code
Good idea. Maybe even have crates that cost more depending on the lock level on them. +1
If this was to be added it should be lockpickable imo or drilled or somethin like that it dont make sense for it to be an OP storage container because thats what would happen and people would just put crates and shit like that in the most retarded spots that no one will ever find
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