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New timer starts after 1st ends on fuel delivery

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Joe Scrub

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Steam ID: 76561198037203634

Character ID: 95838

When did this happen: 01/25/24

Summary: New timer starts after 1st ends on fuel delivery

Full Description:
I was doing a fuel delivery to Lago Zancudo / Route 68 West and when the 10 minute timer ran out it was replaced with a 60 minute timer and allowed me to finish the job.

As an extra note, 10m isn't enough time for a delivery that far, I took the fastest route I know in the fastest truck with no incidents and was nowhere close to finishing in time.

I've noticed the same with other longer deliveries having 10m timer as well - it's too short to finish in time and it runs out and is replaced with 60m. I tested with a 15m delivery earlier and when the timer ran out the job ended.

A rough estimate for a fast fuel delivery pace is 1m30s per mile travelled, this is in the phantom blasting every light and driving like a crackhead, might help with the timer selection.

That's about it, thanks.

Images / Video's

Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


Locked & Moved to Solved
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