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Payouts for legal jobs change based on a demand driven economy.


Well-known member
Not many people been selling fish at the fish market? The buy prices increase.

Every man and his dog panning for trash? Naturally demand and prices would decrease.

Taxi rank been quiet lately because for some reason Little Seoul needs 50 shipments of fuel delivered a day by people spamming trucking? Taxi fare prices increase.

If a job is super saturated, it wont hit rock bottom, for those hard grind rp npc bot chads. It would just swing by 20% - 30%

But I believe people need better incentive to try the other jobs.

There could even be a market/demand app on the phone to see which types of jobs are in demand at the moment.

In regards to commodities like fish, and items caught from panning, There would then also be an element of people getting ready to sell those items at the best possible time, just make sure fill spoils over a storm.

This could happen across the whole legal jobs spectrum.

And to be honest, the same should happen at some point for drugs as well.
But with a Job guide at City Hall you can speak to who will give advice on what is good this week for example