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Ron fuel jobs don't cancel with bugged trailers

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Joe Scrub

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Steam ID: 76561198037203634

Character ID: 95838

When did this happen: 04/04/24

Summary: Ron fuel jobs don't cancel with bugged trailers

Full Description:
When accepting a ron fuel job, if the trailer doesn't spawn or fails to spawn correctly, the job remains active along with the GPS 'zone' marker. When this happens for player deliveries you can cancel the job from the list and start again, but there is no cancel option for the ron fuel jobs so the markers/jobs stack up. Having a bugged job 'active' doesn't seem to interfere with the new job when you take it but it's annoying having another marker stuck on the GPS.

That's about it, thanks.

Images / Video's

Bug #652
Network error I think. 

Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
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