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Sanders Motorcycles


Active member

In a city called Los Santos lived two friends, Lil Dave and Mazza, who came from very different backgrounds but both shared a strong passion for motorbikes. On a random day over a cuppa they dreamt of building a motorbike empire that would provide the city with a wide variety of bikes in an industry where there wasn’t much competition for the leading dealerships, “Custom Motorcycles” and “Autoshop Motorcycles” owned respectively by The Lost MC and The Fallen Angels.


As the friendship continued to grow, the boys would spend hours searching the market and streets for any bikes they could get their hands on to upgrade and customize. Their temporary humble garage became a home where their dreams took shape and their creativity flourished. After a week of building their brand and stock, Dave and Mazza were ready to share their creation with the world. With extreme determination and an undying vision, they pooled their savings and began to conversate about how they could acquire a small shop located next to Strawberry Gas to establish their own motorbike business, named "Sanders Motorcycles."


The two of them envisioned Sanders Motorcycles as more than just a typical dealership. They wanted it to be a haven where riders and enthusiasts could immerse themselves in the world of two wheels. Their vision consisted of a vibrant showroom, an expert service center, and a welcoming community hub where like-minded individuals could exchange stories, tips, and advice.


With every bike they bought, Dave and Mazza poured their hearts and souls into providing customers with the perfect bike for their needs. Both constantly pursued perfection, meticulously selecting the finest bikes, combining classic cruisers with modern super bikes and all of the best off-road dirt bikes. Word about Sanders Motorcycles quickly spread, attracting a loyal customer base who were captivated by the two’s commitment to excellence. Many would travel from far and wide to pick up their new motorbikes and over the next 3 weeks Sanders grew quickly, amounting to a total of £15.6 million in sales of 75 motorbikes.


Currently the two are hard at work, keeping their head down and doing what’s necessary to prove to the city that they are worthy of their own place on the map! Sanders have recently been sponsoring other business’ events such as the likes of Flywheels which produced an underground Car Meet, the Occult’s Friday the 13th event and even most recently this week’s Little Seoul’s Gas Station Lotto, with the aim to gain more exposure and provide other business’ with help where needed. We look forward to seeing everyone in the city and hope that one day we can acquire the interior of our shop to better provide our customers. Please see below pictures of our journey so far!








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