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Separating Voices and Game Audio

Avion Solar

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
Heres a question I have, I used to be able to separate in game sounds (engines, gunshots ect) and people talking by setting the Voice chat output to a different audio source however that doesnt appear to be working anymore does anyone have any ideas how to do this?
You've described exactly how you do it. The only reason separating voice outputs to different sources wouldn't work is if you'd not got it set up incorrectly.
Okdokie I'll play about again this weekend see if I can sort it cheers
I use Steelseries Sonar to do it, if that helps. Used to use Voicemeeter but switched over as Sonar is more friendly and has more features in my opinion.
Heres what I have set up:

but its still coming out though the game chat, any ideas? Its wierd as the radio bleeps are recording to the right one too just ot what people are saying
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No idea, works for me
If you open up the sonar software, you can drag and drop the boxes for different apps to the output you want. Try that see if it works

Tried that also,
So when I load in the music and sounds as I loading in go into the chat section
when I am in game I hear footsteps, cars gun shots and people speaking in the Game one
my radio sounds however (turning it on and the mic clicks are through chat but not people voices over radio that come through the game