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Streaming / YT Videos

Avion Solar

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
Good Morning All,

I hope everyone's doing ok.  So recently I have decided to commit myself more into streaming and making my YT videos and as such have been trying to stream constantly from 17:30 hours on Tuesdays and Tuesdays as well as releasing at least 1 video a week on YT weather that be game play footage/ tutorials or breaking down Uk Policing powers.

Now I'm not sure if many of you my streams or YT videos however I was wondering if there are any that do if you could  give me feedback about them and what I can do to make them more enjoyable for you to watch. 

Streaming wise I have recently introduced a few more features such as my viewers being able to choose the vehicle I am going to be driving, the Hat I will wear on patrol as well as once a stream i am going to add a redeemable points feature where I will discuss a santtised (Removing names and places) IRL police story 

And Youtube wise with regards to my Gameplay videos I am adding a bit more editing in there to try improve the quality. 

But what would make it better in your opinions? 

Feel Free to message me on here, TS, Dischord or even on my YT if you want

Thank you in advance 


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