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Thank you & Farewell.


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Me leaving without posting on the forums would be like Azteca's not taking a gun fight, just ain't gonna happen.

I've been a part of this community for nearly 3 years now and I would be lying if i didn't say it was an absolute blast, from the RP scenarios i have been in, to the people i have met along the way and just everything in general.

If i was to sit in here and thank each and every person or @ them and give them their own individual shoutout, i would be here all day and 100% leave too many people out lol.

I do not know what happened to the community but it isn't very RPUK to me anymore and several others, which is sad to see how it goes , maybe just the new generation!

To all the gangs out there, keep on doing what you are doing, big up the crim scene, as much as its dying i hope it continues, by the time SIXM comes out Cutlass & Aztecas will still be going at it.

(lets keep praying they fix the police instead of them being robotic NPCS with little RP)

Gangs shooting = Bad
Police shooting = Good.

From joining the server and planning on being a troll rdming and vdming as it was my first fiveM server to actually loving roleplay that i decided to roleplay as a priest who would remain holy and pure and commit no crime and not even hold a weapon to well creating The Apostles with many others, and then eventually becoming a terrorist lol.

The Apostles first era and 2nd era was a blast from start to finish, was much more behind the scenes and stuff involved in that group to make it what it was from first day to now, to the tiniest detail of how each character would be and how we roleplay'd, so many serious/funny/stressful scenarios or situations that happened and it would be to many to sit and talk about as i would be here all day.

but unfortunately as much as i loved RP, the past god knows how long i didn't, i hated it to be honest but only continued for the people as i felt guilty if i left and the people in the group would cause a domino effect, now a days there is to much OOC drama and OOC shite that is so unnecessary.

If people put as much effort in to their roleplay than they did to things OOC about RPUK the game itself would be 10x more enjoyable.

To everyone i came across in a good way or bad depending on the situation, Thank you for all the experiences and i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Maybe you will see me again when SIXM comes out

So for now, God Bless, Say Less.

Was a hellauva good time playa! Big ups, was amazing to be apart of the Apostles and taken under your wing. Blessings 

It's a shame I joined the server late and never got to meet Father during the early days. My 'brothers' have told me all about the many hilarious interactions they've had with you in the past and from the get-go made me have so much respect for your character. 

God Bless Father, it's sad to see you go but it's also completely understandable. Hope to see you around in SixM and best of luck with any of your future ventures!

Ps: I'm happy we got to talk some WoW, though! (hmu if you're on Living Flame!)

rpuk? completed it mate


Big up the Father Adog, will miss starting a war over repair kit prices when shops had that problem 

All the best Father, hanging up the dog collar for the last time.

TF am I supposed to do now on a sunday morning 😔


I'm only a DM away ❤️ See you on SIXM 

Thanks for the fun Father! Maybe we'll meet again in SIXM. Wishing you all the best. Ave Satanas! 

NOOOOOOOOO you cant go before i have earned the right to buy a Roosevelt!!!

On another note it shall be a shame to see you go, always been nice to chat to you and have a laugh but here's to hoping we will see you again one day,

hope you'll pop on now and again for a quick, hello goodbye and god bless.
